Vegans have to deal with arguments like this but unironically on the daily. That hits a nerve, wether it’s meant as a shitpost or not. Don’t take it personally.
And it gotten so bad, that some people will accuse you being a vegan if you’re not doing keto/carnivore diet, and thus an extremely militant and unpleasant one.
It’s a shitpost on a shitpost community and they’re in here taking it like it’s a personal attack. They’re clearly the ones who need to calm the fuck down in this scenario lol
The fact that it’s such an old, overused, and mostly not even correct only enhances its status as a shitpost. That’s what they’re all about
Calling it “jokes” and shitposting is the chickenshit’s ratfuck way of saying inflammatory things while attempting to avoid natural consequences. If you want to be an asshole to strangers on the Internet then at least have a spine about it.
Vegans have to deal with arguments like this but unironically on the daily. That hits a nerve, wether it’s meant as a shitpost or not. Don’t take it personally.
And it gotten so bad, that some people will accuse you being a vegan if you’re not doing keto/carnivore diet, and thus an extremely militant and unpleasant one.
Mayhaps it is the vegans who need to avoid taking things personally
Yeah, it’s totally unreasonable to get tired of hearing the same shitty comments and warmed over “jokes” every day.
It’s a shitpost on a shitpost community and they’re in here taking it like it’s a personal attack. They’re clearly the ones who need to calm the fuck down in this scenario lol
The fact that it’s such an old, overused, and mostly not even correct only enhances its status as a shitpost. That’s what they’re all about
Calling it “jokes” and shitposting is the chickenshit’s ratfuck way of saying inflammatory things while attempting to avoid natural consequences. If you want to be an asshole to strangers on the Internet then at least have a spine about it.
It can be both
I’d agree with both