In a while crocodile.
Later, alligator
you and 3 of your limbs
That is a fat gator. Must have eaten something large, so maybe not so hungry? I still wouldn’t try to find out.
He ate the last person that asked to get by
I’m not sure gators understand the idea of not being hungry.
Me frfr
This reminds of a joke.
You know where a 500kg gorilla sits?
Wherever he sees fit.
Are you willing to argue with him about it?
What do you call a tyrannosaurus that’s deaf?
Anything ya want, he can’t hear ya!
That’s a nice one!
What do you call a dog with no legs?
Doesn’t matter, he’s not gonna come to you anyway!
A wild Crocolax is blocking your path.
Typical gator around here is 4-6". Being that they won’t attack anything larger than them, no worries, especially in a kayak or canoe.
If I saw that motherfucker cruising the swamp, I’d be near panic. Even with a trolling motor on the canoe, I can’t move faster than that animal.
Inches from eyes to snout ~= feet in length. That dude has to be 15’, and I’m being conservative.
What is your name? What is your quest? What… is your favorite colour?
bro’s going to give out a side quest