Thought I’d post a photo here. It’s my favorite SIsters model I’ve done. My original intent was to start a Sisters army, with the intent of leaving covid lockdown with a finished army. That didn’t happen and I had to abandon ship and focus on my Tyranids. Sisters have the level of detail of an elite army, but the model count of nearly a horde army and that just broke me.

I’ll probably pick away at them one unit at a time here and there, and maybe I’ll have a full force by the time 15th edition rolls around.

    • moleverine@lemmy.worldOP
      23 days ago

      I think it’s just one of the GW texture pastes (Agrellan Something), then I hit it with either Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade, then dry brushed with Screaming Skull, I think? I think the tuft is an Army Painter one?