And yet, you somehow are clearly more inbred than the russians in your head. As shown by your pathetic excuse of deflecting away from being a racist piece of shit.
Why would we want normal relations? Because it’s better for us all diplomatically, less likely to result in another global war, and less likely to result in international economic decline. Normal relations are not a favor we are doing for other countries, it’s a favor we’re doing to ourselves and an obligation to the people of the world. We aren’t poised to come out on top in every fight we pick.
If your whole view of Russia is informed by a three-year-long conflict with our Ukrainian “allies,” you may need to do some thinking about your own country’s habit of fomenting conflict and behaving aggressively.
Why, like in hell, would we want normal relations with that shit country of animals?
Oh look, the least racist sack of shit liberal appears!
Russia isn’t a race.
Fucking inbred pieces of trash always self-sabotage, thankfully.
Only field Russia leads in is extremely violent and abusive porn, which is fitting.
And yet, you somehow are clearly more inbred than the russians in your head. As shown by your pathetic excuse of deflecting away from being a racist piece of shit.
Oh I’m sorry, I must have hit a real nerve.
Sorry to hear about your sister’s rough job.
Racist AND misogynistic, and a prick to boot! Go back to reddit, dumbass.
Must be hard going through life being a sack of human garbage that you are. Feel sorry for you bud.
At least I’m not Russian, the only country with centuries of history of just fucking themselves to death.
Tell your sisters I’m a fan.
This is not the way to have an adult conversation and you’re not going to gain anything by calling people names.
Why would we want normal relations? Because it’s better for us all diplomatically, less likely to result in another global war, and less likely to result in international economic decline. Normal relations are not a favor we are doing for other countries, it’s a favor we’re doing to ourselves and an obligation to the people of the world. We aren’t poised to come out on top in every fight we pick.
If your whole view of Russia is informed by a three-year-long conflict with our Ukrainian “allies,” you may need to do some thinking about your own country’s habit of fomenting conflict and behaving aggressively.