Nicole is trying to bypass DM filters! She is evolving!
now that is just strange. who would put all the effort into removing the spaces in order to visit the links?
Why not just strip all the spaces out before checking against the filters? Then you could just check for unique strings like…
You monster. I’m never getting a girlfriend now…
The only reason they’re not trying much wider variations in names and phrasing like in the beginning is because they’re enjoying the popularity the set text is bringing. Otherwise it’s just boring spam and no one will propagate it. People here are helping the cause (whatever the end goal is), and it’s amusing except for the fact that the pictured woman probably never consented to any of this.
They noticed the tip to create a filter in SQL databases. Fuckers.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone stripped all spaces first?
We don’t have that technology. /s
Good call. An obvious solution that hadn’t occurred to me.
No worries, the brightest minds at MIT are already working on it. I heard in 10 to 15 years we’ll be able to replace a character in a string.
probably it was not a good idea to publish these filters public, as it makes it easy to make changes to bypass them. They should probably be kept between site admins only.
That’s not going to work for an open source system.
no, I understand that… but public posting of them will allow for easy workarounds. not saying that private messaging is the correct solution for this, just expressing my own thoughts on why open sharing in this case might be a problem.
If they’re easy to bypass, that’s a poorly designed filter. Nor does that meet the open source or federated nature of lemmy.