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Did any hard working American adult ever have any significant amount of trust in the state??? Have you seen it?? 😂
The democrats have proven that they are either unwilling or unable to defend the workers, we must replace the system in its entirely. Liberal democracy must be replaced with workers and the old system of capitalism must be destroyed.
After half a century of typical right wing “gubment bad” propaganda meant to dismantle democracy piece by piece I’m not surprised.
Idiots literally voted for a felon.
Lol shouldn’t have voted for trump I guess
Should have voted for the better choice. Remember people over more and power.
This is like the third collection of graphs that are all the same size but use different scales that I’ve seen in the past ~2 weeks. Slightly annoying.
deleted by creator
It’s hard to tell with the graph, but the big drop off seems to be around 2016/Trump.
Really? The majority of young male voters voted Trump. They voted for dogshit and got it, why are they acting like thats not what happened?
People voted Trump in 2016 because of the same mistrust of the government. They probably keep the narrative.
When the insurrection happened all I could think was “I dont disagree with insurrection i disagree that they’re doing it for mango mussolini”
What does that have to do with it? The data says young people are unhappy, it doesn’t say they are unhappy about the same things. You’re not considering that other people have differing viewpoints than you. I’m sure for Trump voters, the unhappiness is, from their viewpoint, caused by things “the left” is doing. They aren’t unhappy about things he’s been doing.
And while liberals and especially leftists might be unhappy with the government now, conservatives have been unhappy with the general move towards progressive policies for decades. They distrusted the government for much longer than Trump has been president, and they don’t see him or his stooges as being a part of that government either.
If they’re young then they’re probably not politically active past the last two election cycles. My point is that people got what they voted for, to not trust in the system that gives them exactly what they chose is silly if nothing else.
And my point is that you’ve totally misunderstood their viewpoint. They don’t see Trump as the government, and I would have assumed that the whole “deep state” bullshit would have clued you in to that fact. To them, Trump isn’t part of the government, he’s the one tackling the government as their hero.
If young people are “losing hope in the state” but happy with Trump, COVID fucked up their brains and development fucking completely
Why would young Americans believe in this system? Trump has thwarted any attempt at justice against him through corruption. The Fox News system is a propaganda machine without barriers with their lying.
I was gonna say that at least the government isn’t rounding them up and shooting them like they did at Penn State but it currently isn’t looking a crazy amount better right now honestly…
Trump just exposed all the flaws. US to americans now looks like how US looked to europeans and other countries with functional, non stupid governments.
Exactly as planned by the new admin.
Dissolve gov trust, install corporations and christofascists.
oh no if only there was an amendment to check and balance the government. It wasn’t the first one nor the third one. Shame nobody gives a fuck about the tools given to them.
We are slaves who have been trained to hate each other since birth.
I don’t know why people expect us to act like bees and swarm every threat that emerges. Nobody gives a shit about each other, at least not enough to throw their life away
Why throw life away? You would be doing nothing illegal, would get the best lawyers for the trial of the century and could live off well from the kickstarter. Be selfish, get rich and famous ez.
I’m pretty sure killing people is illegal.
And that’s what is necessary to fix wealth inequality.
You have way bigger problems than wealth inequality. And killing randos will not fix that either. Commies want you to believe that so they can sieze power and keep you poor while they are rich.
It’s every admin. Since the 60s, production has skyrocketed, while real wages, living standards, services and at least a fig leaf of integrity among elected officials found a 13th circle of hell.
Not just distrust, but also uncool. Could you imagine trying as hard as you’d need to try, just to have Matt Gaetz be one of your co-workers? Public service has never been less attractive, and we have never more badly needed senators with actual souls.
Young people are also turning away from corporations as well. I have so many people in my collective that outside of oil products and housing we manly provide each other with many services that the government used to handle or corporations made too expensive. It’s not perfect, but damn does it save us all a lot of money.
I don’t trust them either
I trust them less
Than the corporations and Christofascists?
Part of the problem with your sentence is the implied “I don’t trust the government at all” mentality, which is just as ill-informed as saying “I completely trust the government”.
It’s how conspiracies flourish.
Literally, all you have to do to distill down any conspiracy is to say, “I don’t trust the government, therefore…” and you can start filling in the blanks.
Trust law? FCC? Roads? Plumbing? Water treatment? Work safety? The weather? Phones? Batteries? Etc
Are they perfect? Fuck no. But government regulations have helped save so many lives and improved many more. And yes, it needs further improvements.
But to gut it to the point of complete distrust and Indiana Jones-ing the idol for a bag of sand, is just gonna get you a giant fucking boulder that crushes everything in its path.
It would be more accurate to say I don’t trust large groups of humans. All three of them - government, corporations, and religion - have done awful things. A person can be smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.
I’d say ask the natives if you should trust the government but they’re thin on the ground… because of the government.
Maybe dont trust polticians and alphabet orgs?
If you convince one side that the government is evil and needs to be small, while your government is in fact evil and large, both sides will want to change the system.
This is the culmination of the Republicans thirst for power over morals & Putin’s desire for the USSR’s revenge and coming into world power. We all know both governments (Russia & USA) commit funds to propaganda and psychological warfare. Americans have enjoyed a lot the last 40-60 years. Russia was the USSR in many people’s living lifetimes.
Someone got into bed with Russian mafia, lost a shit ton of money and bankrupted business, and their business acumen was so bad that they needed to make a shady deal to pay off debts, Russia responded with, “How about we make you President? If you help us, the debts are gone.”
Meanwhile, it’s been over a decade of Trump’s influence. “Alternative facts” was like week 1 of the first term. People barely remember that or the blank pages that were all for show. It’s turns out that humans love novelty, and chaos is a ladder, that if you flood the zone with enough lies, you can make whatever truth you want. A lie goes around the world in an hour while the truth puts its shoes on.
Liberals in the US are disorganized and so fractured by a desire for originality that they forgot how to organize. People are tired of fighting. There’s little pay for the common person. Wealth distribution isn’t even fathomable.
There’s 260 working days in a year. If you made $400k/working days for 2025 years (between now & Christ as the right liked to say), you wouldn’t have enough money to beat Bezos’ holdings.
The everyday person? At the median salary, you’d have to make that trip 3,145 times.
You’d have to work $37k, for 260 days a year, 2025 Christtimes, 3,145 times.
We’re too busy fighting each other to even process how broken the wealth gap is. Once you put it in human terms, I don’t see how any moral person could allow that to exist. When we have the crisis of the unhoused, the crisis of violence, the crisis of food and education.
Christ asks people in Matthew 25:32
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. 34 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ 40 And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’
I’m a liberal. I’m non-binary. I’m very thankful for my life. I know I haven’t treated my own family the best. We’ve been fighting over all this bullshit…
I don’t want any harm to anyone, but how can you say you follow Jesus, or Buddha, or Laozi, or the Earth Spirit, “This wealth is okay.” No religion supports it.
Anyway, I have to believe we’ll get through this. My faith is in humanity. I wish we’d recognize ourselves as one species.
While the Gallup poll does not cover the direct repercussions of US President Donald Trump’s second term, experts believe that rising political polarisation is likely to lead to a sharp drop in trust in future surveys.
And the survey doesn’t even take this recent shit into account, soon literally nobody will trust the government
Because fucking corpos, lobbyists, and passive goons are make trusting anything pointless.
The DNC passed laws to remove money from politics, Republican SCOTUS judges tore it down in Citizens United, and they’ve lacked the power to make a constitutional amendment or reform the court ever since but they’re always talking about it.
If people didn’t trust money in politics it would be in their best interests to elect 60 DNC senators.
John McCain and Hillary Clinton (yes, her) are more responsible for the bill that hand delivered gave us Citizens United to the supreme court than anyone in the DNC (which doesn’t draft legislation, they mostly just
take bribesfundraise for pro-corporate/pro-Israel lobbies and suppress progressives and independents.)they’re responsible for crafting immensely unpopular platform after platform, such as killing single payer healthcare, enabling a half senile Biden campaign, sabotaged the progressives and Bernie (twice), and gave us fucktards Schumer and Pelosi who are among the most ineffectual hated politicians in America.
please stop trolling this “vote for DNC to defeat fascism” nonsense. THEY HAD 8 YEARS TO PREPARE A TACTICAL RESPONSE TO TRUMPISM AND YET HERE WE ARE.
And yet Hillary Clinton has consistently said Citizens United should be overturned all these years.
How weird that people get so upset when I inform them that all of their worries are an actual official stance of the DNC. You would think it would be a comfort if they actually cared about any such issues.
The same DNC that stole the 2016 primary nomination from the only candidate to accurately voice the concerns of their constituents?
The same DNC that happily takes money from AIPAC to turn their heads to Palestinian genocide, and then refused to have a primary in 2024?
The same DNC that bailed out the corporate finance industry in 2008 and told everyone who foreclosed on their homes to suck a lemon?
The same DNC that just capitulated to Trump and continues to appear fascism because they’re too scared to lose their “good billionaire” donors?
The sooner we see the Democrats for the fraud and complacency they embody the faster we can build a REAL progressive party
Hillary Clinton won 16,914,722 votes to Bernie Sanders’ 13,206,428 votes in the 2016 primaries. It was a long very even race with no clear winner until June.
The DNC on Palestine was controversial, but they pursued lasting peace, and conversely the GOP admin is backing a single state solution and immediately shipped weapons that the Biden admin was withholding.
A minority of the DNC led by the old guard voted on the REPUBLICAN resolution to continue the federal government, written by REPUBLICANS. The alternative would be a congressional recess and end of paychecks to federal workers across the board, which I admit would have been better, but both options were shit. In a two party system, the DNC deserve our full support in the face of this awful GOP bill and the GOP budget which is soon to follow. The GOP writing shit bills and holding the government hostage is not a negative on the DNC.
The sooner the left abandons the DNC, the sooner this country falls into incompetent autocracy and the entire world falls into era of war and oppression.
Open your eyes buddy; we’re already there and the DNC is just protecting their donors while continuing to shit on the working class. Protecting GOP privatisation of the government and oppressive autocracy prevention is moot, especially after the US spent the majority of its reign as the world premiere superpower inducing those same exact policies on Latin American and Southeast Asian countries .
Open your eyes buddy; you’re empowering the GOP in their attempts to destroy the US Democracy by even sharing an opinion which contradicts the reality directly in front of your face. As millions of people have done before you, slowling pushing us into this grinder we’re in.
Shaming me for disagreeing with you is wasting both of our time. Left and right is just a distraction from the class war and you’re making broad generalizations to soothe your anxiety and resentment towards perceived inaction.
They’ve had complete control of the government multiple times in the last decade or so, and they failed to do anything with it. Democrats only talk about reform when they aren’t in power. When they’re wearing the boot, they’re fine with stepping on people and demanding they lick it.
Wow. I started to wonder what it’s like in your head but decided that might be hell for me. Democrats won’t step on others to make changes.
Remind me again, what did Biden and Harris do to students who were peacefully protesting against genocide last year?
Is this one of these “both sides the same” fallacies?
I don’t recall the Biden administration directly intervening in the attack on protesters, but I did just read Trump doing much worse to violate the rights of protesters and free thought
Is this a Fallacy fallacy? Even if it was a “both sides” fallacy, being a fallacious argument wouldn’t make it a bad argument. For example, if you say Nazis shouldn’t be trusted because they’re evil, that’s technically an ad hominem.
Are you going to argue that we should start trusting Nazis?
Remind ME again what Drumpf does this year https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/11/us/mahmoud-khalil-columbia-ice-green-card-hnk/index.html
So lemme get this straight. Your argument is that democrats get a pass on the horrible shit they do when they’re in charge, because when they aren’t republicans also do horrible shit? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this week. Did that argument work with your mother? How intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to think that was worth typing out? Now you’ve gone and made yourself look like a dumbass, and judging from the downvotes you’ve gotten, it seems everyone else agrees.
They haven’t had 60 senators since 1979.
That wasn’t my argument, but nice job avoiding it.
Oh yeah they haven’t had control but they had total control right? Thats your argument? About what I expect from you murder cultists.
Yes, when you have the majority in both houses and hold the presidency, that’s control, you absolute buffoon. Now do you want to open your mouth again, or do you figure you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one thread? Honestly, how you even manage to tie your damn shoes is beyond me, because it’s obvious from your barely put together sentences that you have the intellectual capacity of a rather large moss-covered rock.
just remembered it’s been long enough since 9/11 and the resulting war that young people were trusting the government again. cool
It always blew my mind when this kid ten years younger than me was cheering about Obama killing bin Laden without producing a body, no arrest or trial… When I pushed him about it he accused me of lacking patriotism.
I wonder how this could happen?