I still find it hilarious that he supposedly has a 165 IQ when everytime he opens his mouth he sounds so unintelligent and stumbles over words and uses meme language. I have never heard that man say a single intelligent thing in all the time I have known of his existence.
I wonder what Chinese bloke he hired to take his IQ test for him.
Nah, the drug abuse is just another fuck-up in a long string of fuck-ups. The dude’s always been a weirdo, he just didn’t have the balls to go full Monty until the entire world started fluffing him up as the IRL Tony Stark. He feels invincible and it’s pretty much our fault. I know I had some hope in what he was doing (even if just for a lack of better options), do I feel stupid now…
Good. I hope he’s angry about it. It would make me very happy.
He is. And sad. But he says he doesn’t understand where this hate comes from. Real genius, that guy.
I still find it hilarious that he supposedly has a 165 IQ when everytime he opens his mouth he sounds so unintelligent and stumbles over words and uses meme language. I have never heard that man say a single intelligent thing in all the time I have known of his existence.
I wonder what Chinese bloke he hired to take his IQ test for him.
Even if that was ever accurate, pretty sure long term drug use can fuck the brain a bit.
he fried his brain with Special K.
Nah, the drug abuse is just another fuck-up in a long string of fuck-ups. The dude’s always been a weirdo, he just didn’t have the balls to go full Monty until the entire world started fluffing him up as the IRL Tony Stark. He feels invincible and it’s pretty much our fault. I know I had some hope in what he was doing (even if just for a lack of better options), do I feel stupid now…