I can tell you this much, I have never entered a relationship (i.e. anything more than “third date” territory) with anyone who showed signs of not seeking growth. Negative behaviours (with a certain degree of nuance in what I mean by that) are red flags to me, no exceptions. I try to understand the person, to sympathise and empathise as much as my principles allow, but if I see someone whistling at a waiter, for instance, I’m done and heading home. If said negative behaviours are solely oriented toward themselves and they are obviously taking care not to do splash damage, then that’s a different thing. But it’s acceptable to me precisely because there is intentionality behind that, that, while the cause isn’t fixed, that monster is being monitored and kept secure until a better and more permanent solution is found.
As an example, the one who punched me (and, to be clear, I’m not talking frustration punch in the arm, I’m talking furiously and repeatedly punching me in the face - intentionality, but in a different direction, I guess…). She seemed to be healthy. She even seemed to have her shit more tightly packed than I did, to be honest. Going to therapy for several years, saying the right words, displayed humility, the whole nine yards. This lasted for several months, after which her words and her actions started slowly slipping out of phase, until they were essentially contradicting eachother. I stayed a bit too long in this one because after every blowout there would come the period of discussion, where we would again seem to reach consensus. Then it’d be ok for a few weeks/months, then, again, gradual decline toward full blowout. I got tired of that rollercoaster eventually…
A different relationship ended due to my partner’s lingering suspicions from a past relationship, where she became convinced that my asking things about how her day was going was me trying to be controlling. I again ended this one when it became clear that her convictions had priority over anything I could have said or done. And, again, this showed up much later in the unfolding of things, as she non-euphemistically got triggered and her trauma response solidified.
Good. I hope he’s angry about it. It would make me very happy.