I’m just amazed they take the artstyle but nothing of the magical whimsy and wonder Studio Ghibli movies have and call it the same. A cartoon picture of Joe Rogan doesn’t come close to anything from Studio Ghibli. Talking about missing the point. It is almost enough to start believing in souls.
brian merchant’s take on this: https://www.bloodinthemachine.com/p/openais-studio-ghibli-meme-factory
not that this trend is anything new or surprising, but i just find it especially disgusting. having watched quite a few ghibli movies and also some behind the scenes movies: the people making these movies are incredible artists. and miyazaki essentially tortures himself to make these incredible works of art. and now these absolute shitheads have assimilated it into their regurgitation machine, removing all of the heart and soul and meaning in the process. because these people don’t understand art, they certainly don’t appreciate the work and craft behind it - they actively mock artists because they think they’re just replaceable. what a fucking corporate hellscape this world has turned into.
grind for a decade [trying to help make superintelligence to cure cancer] OR [whatever]
I have spent the last decade doing either:
- riding a flying pig to frozen hell and back
- something.
I’ll be so happy when I can read AI-related news again without having to hear about that OpenAI guy.
As much as I don’t like OpenAI, I’m not looking forward to it going under. This new industry sucks, but it’s going to suck more when turns out only already established megacorps can afford to enter the market.
both bad things can be (and are) bad
OpenAI might as well just be Microsoft’s AI branch.
I need to put the threads together, but as far as I can tell OpenAI is singlehandedly responsible for the present bubble
I’ve already heard of this - mainly thanks to the nuclear backlash it (and basically anything related to AI) is getting. Pulling out a particular highlight, here’s Ashley Lynch tearing the whole thing a new one:
Stuff like this is perfect because it shows how utterly devoid of creativity genAI evangelists are. Great, you recreated a photo that already exists in a drawing style that only has currency because of who you’re stealing it from giving the world something with absolutely no value or meaning. I can’t tell you how excited I am that we’re literally burning the Earth up for this garbage.
Every genAI techbro needs to be sent to the Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity with how they’ve traded our future for this absolute bullshit. Straight up capital punishment for every one of these fucking losers responsible for cursing us with this garbage. I have zero chill on this issue anymore. They represent the end of humanity.
Value, for some, is purely an emotional state.
Sue OpenAI for copyright infringement right now
looks like ghibli has been sending out C&Ds, so there’s a start
Would that work?
Sending C&D to the people using the AI while it’s being hosted by OpenAI feels similar to sending a C&D to viewers who watch a copyrighted video on YouTube instead of the channel who uploaded it.
As long as it’s hosted on the platform, C&Ding users of said platform feels like a game of whack-a-mole
Works For Nintendo™
ianal so I’m not really gonna speculate as to effectiveness, impact, or relevance of that. might be the thing by itself, might be opening of a broader set of actions.
legal process is convoluted, lawyers are expensive, lots of entities try “as little” as possible before scaling up - why bother spending a lot when you can spend a little