If Christianity is man made, why does everything about it go against man’s desires? Does Christianity go against man’s desires? If so, is that evidence for Christianity? I answer this question, discussing the history of Christianity, the cognitive science of religion, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, and more.

The whole “atheists can’t answer this question” and “atheists can’t explain this” thing is really getting old.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    “No true Scotsman” kind of how religion goes, yes? It’s why the Protestants fought the Catholics, the Catholics fought the Orthodox … and everyone else and everyone fought the Muslims.

    There are always varying degrees of adherence, and this is also true of every religion that exists. You or any other believer might find particular rules absurd, and that is their business, but I’m willing to bet if you look at any single congregation, they’re going to have rules prescribing behavior in strange ways.

    The Amish, for example. Or drinking alcohol. Or wearing certain types of clothes and wearing hair a certain way.

    Not talking with members of the opposite sex is another common one.

    mainstream Christianity (Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical alike) are all apposed to abortion.

    Social control.
    Just because the specifics change over time doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact it’s there to such a degree that Christians in the US are trying to exert it on everyone- abortion, laws about who can marry whom. Porn consumption. Subject matter in libraries… video games…

    All of it is social control. And they do not like being told to fuck off.