Someone made a hand gesture at me this afternoon with regard to my appearance. Their motion indicated that they were accusing me of being part of a supremacy group. I let it go. I didn’t say anything. In fact, I later had a conversation with this person in which they discussed trivial matters of their day with me. Apparently, they didn’t see me observe the hand motion. I often am bullied by other adults (usually men) for having blood type tattoos on my arms. My tattoos are medical. With all of the terrible names and comparisons people have made with regard to the way I look, I would just like them to name one facist that was rh-. Please, go ahead.

When people throw out insults like “Hitler”, and whatnot, I would like to remind them that he was an O+, Austrian male, who took over Germany. I am not Austrian, not German, not a man, and not rh+. You know who else was rh+? Robert E. Lee. I don’t appreciate comparisons to slave drivers. My ancestors owned land in the North, and I had ancestors who fought on either side of the Civil War. Also, yes, I speak Spanish as a second language even though I’m not Latina. That doesn’t seem to make them want to compare me to Fidel Castro, though, does it? Oh, speaking of which, he was rh+. No, it’s only about skin color for these racist people who make remarks at me about my appearance. When they realize I speak Spanish, it’s odd, because they act like it offends them. Like they can’t accept the diversity of interests on that.

I had a great day today. No one bullied me for almost the entire day. I just had this one instance where a man (near my age), walked past me, looked at me, and then motioned to his neckline with the tip of his index finger as if holding a high buttoned collar in place. He smiled and looked at his male coworker when he did this. The coworker looked back at him, then at me, and smiled. Was it funny? It wasn’t funny in middle school when pre-teen boys used to make that motion to signify affiliation with a white supremacy group, and it isn’t funny in the other direction to accuse someone of being a part of a group that doesn’t seem to represent that person. There. I said it. It was a great day and then some dude just decided to make a gesture.

  • ParabolicMotion@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    His shoulders aren’t broad. That’s one giveaway. All of the rh- people have broad shoulders and a bone that looks like a knot on each collarbone.