And the rest:

And the thread in question:

So we need to have a long and serious talk about the authoritarian chucklefucks you all are allowing to dominate your platform, for this is an example of this flagrant bullshit someone else DMed me recommending I go to admins about, but we all know the admins are a group of Good Ole Boys who will do nothing but protect the mod. 🤦

So why is everyone putting up with this? Did we not leave Reddit to get away from power tripping scumbags? Do people not want a community ruled by the consent of its people? People were flagging shit based on bad faith arguing which last I checked falls under that sub’s first rule.

Oh, but telling a mod “no” is unacceptable. 🤦

We all need to come together and create an actual democratic platform because this is blatant authoritarianism and is not acceptable.

Oh, icing on the cake:

    7 months ago

    The point of federation is you can make your own competing community on your own or another server, people can “vote” by following you or not.

    Also, Lemmy is not a democracy, there are no laws in any server’s home nation that make it a democracy. He has no obligation to treat it like a democracy. You can project your ideals all you like but if you want to be an autocrat that enforces democracy you’re going to have to learn how hosting works.

    • pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      Which is obviously not realistic since other people were complaining and this is still happening. The only reason I bothered to make a thread about the matter was because someone DMed me suggesting I escalate it to the admins and I knew that wouldn’t work.

      Yes, Lemmy is a democracy. It’s a federated social media platform. We come here for we the people to NOT be lorded over by fucking idiots.

      You might be okay with it, but that doesn’t mean other people are, and the “You don’t like it? Leave” method of expressing discontent doesn’t work because we want to change the communities WE already established by participating in, not be forced out of one we have a right to participate in – and the others do have a right to participate in the community whether you agree or not.

      We have rights. People have rights.

        7 months ago

        Since you seem very interested in good faith arguments: Please cite me the law that reserves you rights from random internet forum moderators. I cannot prove a negative.

        Also, if this place were a democracy, judging by the upvote/downvote ratios in this thread, it seems you’ve been voted off the island. Perhaps you should consider yourself lucky this is an autocracy.

        • pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.worldOP
          7 months ago

          The votes look pretty even to me. And your count isn’t looking so great there, hoss.

          And yes, this is obviously a democracy and a free community. Mods and admins can’t just do what they want. People have expectations for a free and fair place to hang out they have to abide by, especially if they want to keep users.

          If you were someone considering switching over from Reddit and you saw this thread, you wouldn’t want to join regardless of how you personally felt about me.

          You are being irrational about this and you know it.