You call out Russia or China, MLs think if they regurgitate “read theory” that solves my issues with them.

You call out American liberals and how they aid fascists, you’re calling a secret Trump supporter.

You say that genocide is an evil action, liberals and Tankies will defend their favorite country’s actions because you’re a shill for the enemy if you do.

You say America did something kinda good, you’re somehow a neolib in disguise. You lightly praise the USSR, you’re Stalin’s second cousin as an AI.

I just don’t want people harmed by a government force. Fuck me, I guess? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills for applying the same morals to every politician and country, even ones I live in or slightly like.

Edit: If someone said it was annoying being an leftist and a bunch of liberals came in exusing their actions and doubling down, everyone would be singing a different tune. Just kinda fascinating.

    2 days ago

    If you think being anarchist on Lemmy (or anywhere else, really) is annoying, try being openly vegan!

    In all seriousness, having strong convictions or unusual identities and being open about them will always draw strong reactions. People don’t generally like being challenged, and will make it as painful as possible for anyone that pushes back on their lifestyle and assumptions about the world. Anarchists, MLs, vegetarians, free software advocates, environmental activists, atheists, anti-car advocates, trans people, non binaries, and asexuals all experience this on a constant basis.

    You’re then left with a choice - be less open, or be ready to live with those reactions and start preparing emotionally for only a partial victory when the most liberal of your “allies” inevitably betray those convictions. The second option is hard. Really hard. We need the people willing to make that choice though, and the people able to get back up and keep fighting after that gut punch are needed even more.

    Without the trans people and drag queens that fought at Stonewall and since, gay and lesbian acceptance wouldn’t be where it is in the US and Western Europe. That battle is still being fought in much of the rest of the world. The list of betrayals by the LG community against queer and trans people is far too long to list, and the battle for trans rights even in the US looks to have a long and bloody future (and the outlook is no less grim across the pond).

    Even when they aren’t defeated, every delay of a coal mine, oil pipeline, or fracking project buys time for hundreds of millions of climate refugees expected as our world warms. Without those protest actions, we wouldn’t even see half measures like the Inflation Reduction Act or the half implementations of COP climate pledges. For those future climate refugees, even if they’re still forced out, that’s extra years of a liveable home.

    The impact of Veganism on animal welfare is more complicated due to the need to weigh the way animal treatment degrades even further as profit goes down against the decreased number of animals that do the suffering (which is itself questionable as decreased profitability means more meat consumption by less wealthy people, who are far more numerous). The increasing number of vegetarians, growing use of plant milks, and plant-based meat substitutes that even some meat eaters use wouldn’t exist without the years of Vegan activism, research, and providing an early market for plant based products. One of the biggest impacts is probably one of the least recognized - TVP mixed in with chicken or beef in the global south to stretch the same amount of meat to more meals because it’s cheaper.

    Every one of these examples has taken decades, and represents only a partial victory. Every one is a struggle that’s still ongoing. Every one still faces the same kind of name calling and resistance you’re experiencing. So stick to your guns, if you can, as long as you can. It matters. It makes a difference. But it takes a really, really long time and is annoying as fuck. At least you can take some comfort in the fact that your detractors wouldn’t be lashing out if you hadn’t pricked their consciences.