Transition: 2001-2004. Fully stealth since 2002 (had sex reassignment surgery & changed all of my documents). My last transition procedure was voice feminization surgery.

    3 months ago

    As a personal anecdote: there are people in positions that missed the openness part and do want to push questioning style of their own agenda.

    My son has down syndrome, so he got social supports through our schools and province. Part of that was a program to transition from highschool life to adulthood. Friends, jobs, training, assistance, planning and sexuality.

    When we met the one social worker at the school, it became apparent she had that agenda I mentioned.

    She jumped right into sexuality and asked if we knew his orientation. I said straight, he likes searching girls in bikinis on google, and he talks about getting a girlfriend, etc. She replied with maybe he is just echoing what he sees around him. Which I understand can happen, and I wanted to explain that his God Parents are a gay couple he has known all his life (so they would be role models etc), but she kept interrupting.

    So anyway, he went to a sexuality course. When that was finishes he came home and said “I like boys now”. " I went to find a boyfriend, because I’m gay". So we are 100% OK if that is his true feeling, but we know he does not process info same as Normies.

    New social worker gets involved later, he is working, etc. He is back to saying he likes women. So who knows, he could be bi /pan or any sliding spectrum, but pushing questions on a young child or late teen with a mental handicap just fucks with their sense of self artificially, rather than being open and it developing naturally.

    As his dad I was doing the cooking, artsy stuff, non sporty guy. So that, and family gatherings with gay couples, he would see that gender roles and relations don’t have to match 1950s setup.