Super Robot Wars V! I’m having a blast with the silly crossover story finding excuses to throw dozens of mecha from different shows at me all at once. Last night I played a mission where I had 8 Gundams in the field from 4 different shows at once! And we were fighting dragons from Cross Ange.
Thanks for making it weekly!
You’re welcome! Bi-weekly did quite well, hopefully we get lots of discussion weekly
The Spell Brigade. It’s unfortunately early access, but it’s an up-to-4 player co-op Survivors-type game. I love Vampire Survivors so of course I wanna play co-op. I’ve been having a bunch of fun with it, both with friends and without.
In the same boat. Really enjoying it online too. Usually can find a coop match quick
It’s not super old but I patiently waited for a sale on the Repentence DLC for The Binding of Isaac. Besides the new content it’s also a sort of v2.5 of the game (if Rebirth/Afterbirth was v2.0) with many quality of life changes. Admittedly some of the changes were a bit startling at first but I quickly got used to them and after a few hours it felt like home again.
I have about 500 hours in Isaac and this refresher has breathed new life into it so perhaps I am good for another 500.
Ohh boy, I don’t know how much you read beforhand, but the new characters are the best content of the game. They range from infuriatingly hard to trivial, but all of them have a fresh spin in the gameplay and existing mechanics. You are in for a treat my friend.
Picked slay the spire up again yesterday. And again I’m addicted
Legendary bullet hell from 2003. Thank you Kenta Cho
I have been playing the dlc for Pokémon sword. I just got my Calyrex, next onto Kubfu.
I played all the Pokémon games religiously, several times each all the way until they put them on the switch. I don’t own a switch so I’ve only played until
ORASUSUM. How are the newer ones? I’ve heard mixed thingsSword and Shield feel like the older games to me (I have been playing since Fire Red and Leaf Green, then went back and played Ruby/Sapphire with Emerald being my favorite title). Sw/Sh adds group raids and an area with tons of Pokémon.
I am also playing Violet, which I did not mention here because it is a newer title. Again I enjoy it, but the style is a departure from the older titles as they were going for an open world feel. You can challenge the different story points in any order, but some you still need to be higher level to finish. I think they should have done it where the levels scale.
I’d probably like Sw/Sh then. Silver (and its remake) and Emerald are my personal favourites, though honestly Gen 1-6 are all great imo
I need to dig out my GameCube and Pokémon Box so I can transfer all of my Pokémon from Emerald (I have all 386).
Damn, good for you. I never quite got to collecting them all, I never got all of the version exclusives. Maybe one day I’ll try to find a way to get them all. I don’t have too many friends playing the old Pokémon games anymore though, so trading might be a pain
I used to go to Game Stops and buy used copies of the GameBoy Advanced carts, take any ‘mons I was missing and then resell the game or give them away (usually leaving them in Geocaches.
That’s awesome. There’s a few vintage game shops around me, maybe I’ll see if I can do that in the near-ish future
I started playing baldur’s gate 1 for the first time. I got it on sale years ago and never played more than an hour. It’s been fun!
There’s also 2 VR games i was highly anticipating that came out. Behemoth wich is like a shadow of the collossus kind of game and trombone champ unflattened wich is just trombone champ but in VR and they are both very good!
Colin McRae: Dirt 2
I really wanted to play something arcade (and without all the bullshit of cosmetics and jackpot spins etc that modern games have) etc so I downloaded a copy of Dirt 2 and it’s been great fun. It handles really well and actually looks good when upscaled.
I did have to install Games for Windows Live though 😔
Playing some coral island, and i’m kind of wanting to start over since they seem to have fixed the two big issues i had.
Apparently they made the progression from the end of B to A less of a drag, and they made it so you’re informed when a character cutscene is available (and when and where to go to see it). I hate looking that stuff up on wikis, since inevitably i find out some spoiler that makes the cut scene less interesting.
Plus when I try to stumble on them randomly it’ll be year 6 and the character’s cutscene is like “i hope you’re settling in well!” Dude, I married your friend and have two children now. I almost singlehandedly dredged the oil out of the ocean. What’s wrong with you?
Mouth Washing. Pretty cool indie game.
Radiophobia 3.0. A stalker total overhaul mod for SoC, modernises the older title.
SCP:SL and terraria
I’ve been playing Pillars of Eternity after giving up on Pathfinder King Maker in frustration. It’s been very cool! A lot of lore to learn though and I feel like it really needs my full attention to get the most out of it.
Planetside 2
Fuckin banger! Just started playing again on the anniversary and found a semi active outfit.