Please get checked for Diabetes. That’s the first sign :(
Please get checked for Diabetes. That’s the first sign :(
I just send this to my gf, the meme’s a banger
Wow, I think thats the most racist thing I encountered in this site to date! First time I reported someone too!
I’d really love to finally Play Baldurs Gate! Already played Pillars of Eternity and heard, that it’s a Classic :D
Ohh boy, I don’t know how much you read beforhand, but the new characters are the best content of the game. They range from infuriatingly hard to trivial, but all of them have a fresh spin in the gameplay and existing mechanics. You are in for a treat my friend.
They also make terrible Linguists!
My favourite is castle in the sky. To be honest, the nostalgia goggles play a major part, but the movie is just so damn beautiful with the interpersonal drama, the stunning themes of nature (both human and environmental) and the bombast of the inhuman weaponry a multitude of people want to acquire. Its just a fucking banger. Like many Ghibli movies I can’t fathom how anyone would rate it for kids, but I’m glad I watched it as a child.
I don’t know how you got to that anwer, this would go hard as balls