Wait, is he for or against migration? Pick a lane!
Wait, is he for or against migration? Pick a lane!
A bit off topic. But does anyone else find it almost impossible to be excited about SpaceX now that the owner is uhhh a Nazi?
I used to love SpaceX and followed it closely since very early on. Now? I wish everyone would quit and the company would collapse.
I mean I had to look it up. But this is the first I’ve heard the term.
I’m starting to think China owns Musk though.
China must be fucking loving this. If it turns out Elon is an agent for them it would in no way surprise me.
Is the pic from the walking dead? Cause if so pretty sure I stopped watching at this season and was curious if it ever picked up again?
I’m curious if this has been studied at all. Like what is a social battery and how does your brain know when it’s low?
I can hear this picture and I love it.
party’s leader during their respective conventions
This part is very important at the moment.
How else will he stay motivated?!
Taking away cheap Chinese goods might be one of the few things that will wake a few Americans up?
I’m lost, what movie are we talking about here?
Why the fuck is anyone using twitter still?
At this point if you’re on twitter you support Nazis, plain and simple. The line was drawn and crossed.
Overwhelmingly, research has found interesting gender differences among the general public as well as among college students: men are more likely to be victimized by crime than are women, whereas women are more fearful of crime than men
Before it was a foregone conclusion. With Trudeau gone, and with Trump now president there does seem to be some hope.
I’m also not even very likely to be the target of an attack unlike a woman and I feel this way
You are technically 3 times more likely to be murdered as a male than as a female though (this number varies by source to be fair, but males are always higher). Now if you remove partner violence (since the post is about random men), that number is even more disproportionate.
The parent point remains though, you’re ascribing an ill on a huge group (half of the entire population!). At best, it’s lazy, low resolution thinking. At worst it’s the source of prejudice, and ill will.
Again, I don’t care. It’s a silly joke, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend to not get why others might be offended by it.
Yeah, but at some point you have to hold the voters to accord? They wanted this. They voted for this. He literally told them he would do this. And then he won the popular vote.
Like it or not, the only way I see getting out of this mess is mass suffering of the US population. I can’t see any other way to have the cult fall apart. Though it make just strengthen it too.
Housing, housing, housing FUCKING HOUSING.