At least credit cards are… on credit. You can usually just stop a transaction if someone makes unauthorised use of your credit card. If this also happens with debit cards, your in more trouble. Than the money is just gone.
At least credit cards are… on credit. You can usually just stop a transaction if someone makes unauthorised use of your credit card. If this also happens with debit cards, your in more trouble. Than the money is just gone.
Something something a broken clock
You’re absolutely right, of couse, but keep in mind that communications is still mostly done by people and people are generally fucking stupid.
It is not an insult to all women. It is directed at one single individual and it is their level we’re palying here. Gender is not something that would usually be an insultable quality, but since they’re trying to paint me as a rapist, they’ve put gender on the table. They’re also the one who threw the unintelligent “all men are rapists” rethoric, so I’ll throw the equally unintelligent “all women are objects”. Fight them with their own weapons. I know I will not win an argument this way, but that was not the goal here. This will just make them feel bad for a second and me feel good for a second. It is cheap and dirty, but sometimes that’s what you need.
Denmark. First they build the world with lego, than they take it.
Not just part 1 and part 2, but also day 1 and day 2. Remember that dog/werewolf meme
Is it that time of year again? Time flies!
For the past three years I’ve faithfully started on December first, but I always have to give it up after a couple days, because it just takes up way too much time. Right now I’m already two months behind for my Bachelor and I really need to finish that before summer.
So I’ll be skipping this year.
Classic sci-fi discussion. I love it
Tourists walking though a farmer’s tulip field, trampling the flowers, just to take a stupid picture. Not just one, but dozens of tourists per day.
I don’t think it’s a very big issue anymore. Most modern companies know that you’re using gpt to help you write you letters. If you manage to sound more authentic, that would probably be helpful. But a gpt letter is better than no letter. Quantity over quality in this case.
It’s not a joke, it’s an expression of my disgust for the entrapment.
If someone sprung that trap on me, I’d say “no, it’s a toy. A toy doesn’t have any consent right or consciousness… just like a woman” and than I’d just walk away. If you want to be cunts, ww can be cunts
Oh, I see now. I meant to say that. That’s why you shouldn’t use double negatives.
Yes, that one is on Spotify
I assume not, but they have a huge selection of podcasts
I really don’t mind the open office. It’s a good excuse not to work hard /s
What exactly is happening here?
What do you mean? It’s right there, at the Achilles’ heel of the boot