If you mean involving them in it, then yes, probably
There is NO “probably” about it. We have brain scans and decades of research proving it is EXTREMELY HARMFUL to children. There are children who’ve been in sex cults, including in the 70s, who have been interviewed as adults regarding this (to say it profoundly negatively affected them). The most common environmental factor for DID is childhood sexual abuse, and the severity of the DID is usually correlated with the severity of the abuse. Suicide is also extremely common in children with a sexual abuse past, as is heavy substance use in children.
Sexual abuse results in automatic behaviors like bedwetting recurrence after being potty trained, defecating in odd places or playing with feces, masturbating in front of others, dissociation, depersonalization, UTIs and other urinogenital issues… So much so that mandated reporters look for these signs in non-communicating (disabled) kids as signs they’ve been sexually abused to trigger investigations. No one has ever told these kids how to respond to sexual abuse - their bodies automatically do it. It is automatically harmful at a human instinctual level.
It’s 100% absolutely harmful and that has been proved by DECADES of research. I’m disgusted by that sentence, and the fact that you haven’t bothered to research that but researched THIS:
Reformation based on my relatively surface-level dives into the subject in the past (I have learned that going deep into this is difficult, the scholarly texts are long and difficult to read for laymen). In medieval times and before, children were aware of adults having sex; they often could not be kept unaware because there was no place for the adults to gain privacy.
Why the FUCK did 14 people up vote this shit, Lemmy?
I could be wrong and I apologize if so but it sounds like you are confusing children being aware or witnessing the existence of sex with them being forced or coerced into taking part. Normally when people talk about or so research about child sexual abuse they are talking about the latter and not the former, so just looking up child sexual abuse research wouldn’t be sufficiently specific.
No, I’m not. I quoted the exact part where they said “getting involved,” which was separate from the section about observing. Read it again. They mean children doing sex acts is “probably” harmful. It isn’t PROBABLY harmful, IT IS HARMFUL.
Reread his comment. He says that getting them involved is probably harmful, but that it’s difficult to conduct conclusive studies without doing harm to children.
They are pretty common on Lemmy tbh. I think like 4 months ago some guy on here was telling me it was “natural” to be attracted to 14 year olds. He got a bunch of upvotes, like at least 30 iirc. Lemmy is pretty disturbing tbh.
Holy shit I hadn’t even focused on the votes because I have that deactivated but Damm
I knew people in Lemmy had to have some kind of mental issue given the constant calls for murder and violence since losing the election, but Jesus fuck this is a whole nother level
There is NO “probably” about it. We have brain scans and decades of research proving it is EXTREMELY HARMFUL to children. There are children who’ve been in sex cults, including in the 70s, who have been interviewed as adults regarding this (to say it profoundly negatively affected them). The most common environmental factor for DID is childhood sexual abuse, and the severity of the DID is usually correlated with the severity of the abuse. Suicide is also extremely common in children with a sexual abuse past, as is heavy substance use in children.
Sexual abuse results in automatic behaviors like bedwetting recurrence after being potty trained, defecating in odd places or playing with feces, masturbating in front of others, dissociation, depersonalization, UTIs and other urinogenital issues… So much so that mandated reporters look for these signs in non-communicating (disabled) kids as signs they’ve been sexually abused to trigger investigations. No one has ever told these kids how to respond to sexual abuse - their bodies automatically do it. It is automatically harmful at a human instinctual level.
It’s 100% absolutely harmful and that has been proved by DECADES of research. I’m disgusted by that sentence, and the fact that you haven’t bothered to research that but researched THIS:
Why the FUCK did 14 people up vote this shit, Lemmy?
Go do some fucking reading, you absolute pieces of shit
And OBVIOUSLY we should teach kids age-appropriate sex ed.
I could be wrong and I apologize if so but it sounds like you are confusing children being aware or witnessing the existence of sex with them being forced or coerced into taking part. Normally when people talk about or so research about child sexual abuse they are talking about the latter and not the former, so just looking up child sexual abuse research wouldn’t be sufficiently specific.
No, I’m not. I quoted the exact part where they said “getting involved,” which was separate from the section about observing. Read it again. They mean children doing sex acts is “probably” harmful. It isn’t PROBABLY harmful, IT IS HARMFUL.
Reread his comment. He says that getting them involved is probably harmful, but that it’s difficult to conduct conclusive studies without doing harm to children.
No, that’s not what he said. And there’s tons of studies.
For real. Children cannot consent. Period
It’s sad this got downvoted.
Who tf is downvoting this? Why do we have these people here?!
They are pretty common on Lemmy tbh. I think like 4 months ago some guy on here was telling me it was “natural” to be attracted to 14 year olds. He got a bunch of upvotes, like at least 30 iirc. Lemmy is pretty disturbing tbh.
Holy shit I hadn’t even focused on the votes because I have that deactivated but Damm
I knew people in Lemmy had to have some kind of mental issue given the constant calls for murder and violence since losing the election, but Jesus fuck this is a whole nother level