• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • Also another serious question: why the fuck are you trying to demonize an anxiety disorder? In fact while I am here why are you trying to demonize personality disorders caused ultimately by childhood trauma?

    I can understand making the argument that someone with NPD doesn’t belong in medicine for safety reasons. But anxiety disorders? Really? How is that going to impact their performance? Surely someone with anxiety is more likely to double or triple check things that others would miss.

  • Now if drugs in general were legalized this would be less of a problem as there wouldn’t be pharmacies running out because of recreational or off-label use, but I will get off that soapbox for a second.

    NT people who are using amphetamines or methylphenidate for performance enhancement are idiots. There is only one area where these things can actually improve NT performance, and that’s in situations where you absolutely need to stay up at unusual hours. That’s why militaries across the world have used them, and some countries continue to use them. Soldiers falling asleep during battle is apparently not ideal. Outside of that scenario though I have only seen evidence of it harming performance overall. Even in military use the USA military have switched to modafinil for a reason.

    Adderall is an amphetamine derivative, so I can’t imagine it’s good to abuse that long term. Being prescribed it by a doctor does not count as abusing it though. The fact that people think it is abuse is part of the reason diseases like ADHD are so stigmatized.

    As for the phenomenon of running out in the midterm and finals: it is entirely possible that some people with legit ADHD only need their medication during times when more is being demanded of them. I don’t think it’s fair to punish these people. There are also people with prescriptions selling the stuff though, which isn’t great, but again could be resolved through legalization.

  • Yes, blink is the engine Chromium uses. Since KHTML was an open source project any project based on it will have to be open source, unless of course it’s just used as a library. Even in that case though blink the engine is forced to be open source even if the browser as a whole isn’t. GNU licenses are considered infectious because anything containing any GNU code automatically and legally becomes open source. So KHTML being unmaintained is irrelevant.

  • I don’t think this is strictly true. They do tweak parts of the kernel such as the CPU scheduler to deal with new CPU designs that come out which have special scheduling requirements. That’s actually happened quite a bit recently with AMD and Intel both offering CPUs with asymmetric processors with big and little cores, different clock speeds, different cache, sometimes even different instructions on different cores. They also added ReFS not long ago, which may have required some kernel work.

    I can understand though if they have few experienced people and way more junior devs. It would probably explain a lot to be honest. A lot of Microsoft stuff is bloated and/or unreliable.