you can call her the fediverse chick
I finally got her DM, I have to send a few dollars to help her pay the import taxes for a large inheritance though.
As I said in another thread, I received fourteen of them the other day.
I think it goes without saying that I donated to each of them. Poor Nicole(s) :(
hey its me, ur nicole
No it’s not.
Me too. Pay me
I’ve sent the payment twice and she’s not responding. What do I do next?!
Try sending more money
A real money offer? You got the rarest instance of Nicole!
You mean that hussy is cheating on me???
It’s not cheating, it’s a federated relationship
That’s what my ex-wife said too…
In fairness this was already a couple days old before I posted it, I just couldn’t be bothered taking the two minutes to zoom, crop, alt text, etc until yesterday
Plus jerry’s an instance admin! So it’s pretty on-topic for him 😅
They messaged me like three times. Jokes on them I’m too poor to even look at pictures of Toronto.
Yeah, who can even afford long range internet in this economy?
three times
rookie numbers right there buddy
Nicole, the mascot we neither wanted nor deserved.
I think that the user isn’t literally named Nicole. Also, the picture sent to us may not represent the user behind the screens either. I believe I will never know who the user is behind the pictures sent to us and the name “Nicole.” Perhaps the moderators can do their job, and the fediverse developers can take steps to make our network more secure from unsolicited interactions.
Spam and phishing are pretty tough problems to solve, even for the big players.
The amount of spam DMs I get on Telegram for “investment groups” and scam “job offers” is no joke.
Its an arms race between the admins and the spammers, while also trying to balance not cracking down so hard that that normal registration and usage of the platform is affected for actual, legitimate users.
I’d like to believe that the admins and moderators are doing the best they can to tackle problems like these, and that they certainly aren’t just being lazy.
I’m in a discord server for a few niche games, but one in particular is the source of at least one unsolicited spam DM from an anime catgirl each week. I don’t know what these admins can do, because they never actually say anything in the server, but they don’t even have one of those “emoji react to agree to rules” landing pages and I think that’s at least part of the problem. I have never said anything in this group so these people must legitimately just spam every member. I’d leave the page, but it’s the only source of news/bug reports for that game.
I agree. I also choose to believe that admins and mods have done and are doing their best, because in my online experience, it is always contrary to what some negative users claim, that mods and admins are not doing their job. No, it’s the opposite. This is especially true when the team of admins and mods is transparent about their decisions.
We are all Nicole, the Fediverse Chick on this blessed day.
I wonder if anyone contacted back Nicole at their friendica. I was definitely ghosted by the fediverse chick after being Nicoled.
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