also, I would like to kill any ANTIFA terrorists that show up, and report any law breakers to the relevant authorities during my playthrough. why doesn’t the game let me do this? do they just hate centrists? wow, way to make me sympathize with the right.
Its the RADICAL LEFTISTS fault why I hate minorities, why won’t they just be submissive to white power. Clearly the CORPORATE MEDIA has corrupted the minds of minorities since the civil rights act but our lord and savier Orange Jesus will make video games that allow me to enact all my fantasies.
I know, god these people all just hate centrists. their hatred for our centrist values (and totally just that) instills in me an irrestistable compulsion to sell everything I own, move to Fiume and design an occult ritual based on the most completely-missing-the-point ‘fullmetal alchemist’ fanfics I can find to resurrect composite mussolini-hitler.
also, I would like to kill any ANTIFA terrorists that show up, and report any law breakers to the relevant authorities during my playthrough. why doesn’t the game let me do this? do they just hate centrists? wow, way to make me sympathize with the right.
Its the RADICAL LEFTISTS fault why I hate minorities, why won’t they just be submissive to white power. Clearly the CORPORATE MEDIA has corrupted the minds of minorities since the civil rights act but our lord and savier Orange Jesus will make video games that allow me to enact all my fantasies.
I know, god these people all just hate centrists. their hatred for our centrist values (and totally just that) instills in me an irrestistable compulsion to sell everything I own, move to Fiume and design an occult ritual based on the most completely-missing-the-point ‘fullmetal alchemist’ fanfics I can find to resurrect composite mussolini-hitler.