Woah that movie has a 1.7 on imdb with 145k votes wtf
What’s Reddit?
I think it’s like a cheap Lemmy knockoff
Lame af!
Disney has such a huge back catalogue of IP that they can use to make all sorts of crazy shit, and Lord knows they have the budget for it. Instead we get inferior versions of their classic cartoons for some reason. Somebody should tell their board of directors that playing it safe in a creative field is a losing proposition.
Meanwhile an animated remake of Batteries Not Included or The Black Hole…languishes.
Batteries Not Included is one of my all-time favorites
The Black Hole is a fantastic movie (at least if memory serves, it’s been awhile) that nobody seems to have heard of.
I loved it as a kid (when it came out, loved the robots and the setting) but it was critically not well liked in general. So, I don’t think it holds up after the nostalgia wears off.
Though, it could easily be remade with a more coherent plot and cool special effects. Lol, could be out of the skill set of whomever they have making re-boots now, given the crap I watched on Disney+ lately.
I have long speculated it’s a way to keep copyright control of IP that may be entering the public domain, and people who enjoyed the original are more likely to watch the remake.
Snow White was written in the early 19th century, it was already public domain when Disney made their original movie. I suppose extending the copyright will keep people from naming their dwarves sleepy and dopey but they can make as many snow whites as they want.
The copyright though applies to their version of snow white, Disney’s that is. Not the public domain version.
The issue is that Disney’s army of lawyers will claim that any Snow White is based on theirs, not the original fairy tale. And they’ll be able to win it in court, purely by turning the legal fight into a battle of attrition for the defense.
Imagine I make a Mickey Mouse cartoon, based on the original Steamboat Willie character, which is in the public domain. Disney will sue me and claim it is actually based on the modern character. And now it’s up to me to prove in court that it is not infringing on their modern character. And that becomes difficult when the line between the old character and the modern one is so blurred.
Yeah. Stuff added specifically by Disney, like the names and peraonalities of the dwarves. Someone could make their own spin on snow White using only the original story as a basis though.
What in the world makes you think Disney is in a creative field? They are solely in a money-making field.
You guys still go to Reddit?
I looked at r/all, no posts about Snow White on the front page at all. You sure about this?
Some people subscribe to certain subs to just hate-read reddit, I guess.
There’s less and less reason to check it every day. I used to check our /r/law regularly to read lawyers interpretations of all the court cases against Trump and where they were going. Then in the last few months the sub got flooded with loud jabronis with no legal education and only in like the last few weeks have the moderators started to regain control of it and make it strictly moderated again.
/r/Ask_Lawyers is good because it’s actually all verified lawyers. But that means it’s much lower volume.
True, but that’s also flooded with people who don’t read the rules and think it’s for getting advice from lawyers about their own legal issues.
I saw it on the front page earlier today. The entire comment section had the same gif of a witch from the movie going into a door on the floor.
They got to complain about something now when Assassin’s Creed apparently didn’t “go woke go broke”.
That’s such a small subset of criticism you have to actually go looking for it. And if you’re not in those echo chambers but still in a community that’s critical you’ll get called out for that dumb shit as well.
Not really. The new snow white actress is hilariously insufferable and I’m sure the movie is trash because everything Disney has done since endgame has been.
Andor was great.
Skeleton crew was pretty great as well. It needed a stronger 1st episode
It was actually enjoyable, if highly derivative of “Treasure Island in space”, aka Treasure Planet.
Huzzah! what are the odds that both people who liked it are on the same social media.
I’ve heard that a lot and have been meaning to check it out.
Don’t even give em a chance, drop it like a hot potato! Long live the fediverse!
What is this about? This?
Haven’t been on reddit and am notoriously often living under a rock when it comes to news outside my personal interests.
It’s about the remake movie that just launched.
Chuds are mad it’s woke, everyone else is ambivalent because it’s another fucking live action remake.
Wow, I guess they have now literally reached the earliest one they could do a live action remake of. Good to know that even while things have been heating up globally, the underlying current of absolute boredom in this dystopia is going strong.
I think it’s honestly because of the older stuff starting to finally reach public domain age, and they want new versions that will retain copyright for authors life+100 years all over again. They’ll lose access to the copyrights to the originals, but they’ll still be able to copyright any new variations they make while they are still in ownership of the originals.
Which, yeah, is peak boring dystopia.
deleted by creator
Im gonna laugh when they finally reach the treasure planet/Atlantis era of movies and conveniently forget they ever happened (or direct-to-dvd/bluray/stream them with no advertising).
Buddy, they already skipped those ones. I can dream though. Those were jank but had charm.
more like everyone else is mad those millions of dollars could’ve been used as anything else other than to make a 2/10 remake of a classic nobody wants to watch.
It has 74% on rotten tomatoes audience score.
IMDb is so hilariously manipulated
I always feel sorry for the poor girl in this meme. That must have been a rough time.
Also, that guys elbow is bigger than his head.
They’re pro wrestlers doing a skit, so thankfully she’s fine in this case. Enjoy your memes, friend.
Ah i didn’t know that. Thanks!
Animation is when for kids. No serious art is made with drawings. We use a computer to add drawings after recording, but it’s still serious. Sometimes we just make the whole thing in a computer but it is still serious because it looks realistic. All real art is realistic, which is when it looks real. Otherwise it’s for kids.
Good satire comment but unfortunately tone doesn’t translate well over text.
Unfortunately the sistine chapel is made of drawings so I turned it into a playground for kids.
(to be clear this time, this is a joke)
I understand not getting these sarcastic joke posts on reddit since avarage reddit user is an idiot. But lemmy people who don’t have commie symbolism in their name deserve 3 rereads and a think at least.
Hahahaha, something I will never do is let young kids watch The Brave Little Toaster or The Secret of NIMH. Awesome movies. Timeless stories. Terrifying as fuck. Pure Nitrous Nightmare Fuel. Maybe when they’re 13 and have a nurturing adult with whom to watch.
Just show them the animated Lord of the Rings, Neverending Story, and then finish it off with The Dark Crystal… They’ll be ready for anything.
How to give your kids a perfect 1,000 yard stare with 5 G-rated films
Make it an even 6 with The Fox and The Hound!
And Grave of the Fireflies as lucky number seven!
(google is telling me it has no rating so I’m sure those kids will handle it very well /s)
Edge lord
I mean have you seen those realistic pen portraits on youtube! Incredible art! those dumb modern artists and those middle age assholes painting fantasy trash have nothing on those!