Well a Republican wouldn’t be a Republican if they’re weren’t hypocritical, whiney-ass beotches after all.
A good Republican is a two faced hypocritical Republican. Cant trust them as far as you can throw them.
I’m out of the loop.
We in texas call our shitty governor hotwheels because he’s in a wheelchair
Abbott’s neighbor’s tree branch fell on him. He sued his neighbor and used the money to run for governor. He immediately changed the law so lawsuits like his are capped and no one else can sue for as much as he won. I prefer to call him “limp dick Greg” but some like “little piss baby”
Did we forget about this one?
That’s what cued me to hate him even more. My mom makes every excuse when I bring that up, even to this day.
shady vance dementia donald
Yeah, if you aren’t aware of the hypocrisy on the right and the ‘rules for thee but not for me’ mentality you really haven’t been paying attention.
Nobody cares. Not on either side.
They love to scream and cry and whine when they’ve been disrespected, but nobody cares about inconsistency in our leadership. Nobody cares what’s true or not unless it affects them personally and immediately. Nobody cares when a politician lies, they don’t care when they’re inconsistent, pointing out hypocrisy is just more free-advertisement for them.
The only way you can get people to actually care about what’s real is when you impact their comfort and routine. As soon as that happens, people mobilize and vote and form coalitions. To this end, we should all be a little accelerationist about what’s happening, because if they boil the water slowly enough, people broadly will adapt to the new normal and will go on with their day, even if they have to like, go through checkpoints to get to work. They don’t fucking care and they have memories of goldfish, so the only way we end this mess is get enough people fed up at the same time before the administration can pull some stunt like giving everyone stimulus checks.
That’s their last resort, when the people rally and are about to take down the government. They will promise monthly checks of something like $1500. That will cut about half of the protestors out.
Money is the root of all evil. It’s also the greatest human weakness.
honestly there are plenty of things to make fun of abbott about without being ableist. js
Nothing they would understand. You go high enough and you’re pretty quickly over their heads and it has no effect. Remember this is a studied thing. Conservatives don’t grasp irony and sarcasm. It’s one of the reasons Steven Colbert quit the old show. They didn’t get it and it was having the opposite effect they intended.
its still not an excuse. i have plenty of friends who think this whole thing is funny, and im just a little disappointed. like just because he’s a piece of shit doesn’t make it cool to make fun of a disability. she didn’t call him “hot wheels” because of like a car collection or whatever, its obviously a reference to his disability.
while its obviously not a slur in and of itself, if abbott called crockett something adjacent to a slur, im sure we would be up in arms.
look, i think the dems should do more and fight dirty, but this isn’t the way.
What does fighting dirty look like to you? Calling a douche who deserves to have a tree fall on him Governor Hot Wheel is pretty mild on the scale imo so what ISN’T too far?
dirty fighting would be actually doing whatever they can to block and repeal everything trump is doing. gum up the gears in legal battles and shit. proactively undoing much of the gerrymandering. they could have claimed the election was stolen by false electors aligned with trumps agenda.
in the past decade the republicans have shown great examples of obstructionism and propaganda campaigns.
i just feel like making fun of a disability is beneath them. am i worried about greg abbott’s feelings? fuck no. i care about disabled people reading the news and seeing ableist sentiment cheered on by “progressives”. i just think its kinda fucked up so many people don’t see it that way.
wut idk, is hot wheels ableist or a compliment
like damn bruh, check out hot wheels
complimenting ability diversity sounds like the opposite of ableism to me js
If the basis of calling him Hot Wheels is because he’s in a wheelchair, it’s ableist. Just like the stereotype that “all Asians are good at math” is seemingly positive, it’s still a racist statement.
There was a customer at my old sub shop that some staff dubbed “Hot Wheels” and not endearingly. Everyone hated her, she was rude and mean, and yes she came in with a motorized wheel chair. I phrase it that way because, if you ever delivered to her, she’d answer the door standing up, no chair in sight. She didn’t need it, she was just really fat and somehow got an actual wheelchair instead of one of those scooters.
She also once answered her door naked, expecting the delivery guy to be a man. It wasn’t, and she wasn’t pleased. Didn’t even pay, let alone tip. (She never tipped.)
My leg is busted and I can only hobble around with a cane. Finally got accepted into seeing a physical therapist, outlook is good, but its gonna take a while to recover.
Recently took a paratransit ride.
Fully disabled guy in a motorized wheelchair got on.
Within minutes, after he asked me what happened to me, we were joking about how he would probably, actually be able to beat me in a race.
Sounds like you made a friend!
The bus driver was actually great too, younger than me, maybe early or mid 20s, before the wheelchair bound guy got on, we bitched about microtransactions in games, and I was able to confirm that yes, games did not in fact always used to be like they are now, with dark patterns and what not… he sounded like a lot of his friends were trying to gaslight him into just accepting the enshittification as normal, that its always been like this.
Right I don’t see how it’s ableist or an insult. She didn’t say it like it’s a bad thing or associate it with any assumptions. It’s not like she called him “Legless Wonder and his Half Pint Segway” or questioned if he can govern from a chair. It’s closer to calling him Governor Brown Hair. Neutral. Silly at worst.
Would she have called Trump “President Hot Wheels”? No. It’s clearly an ableist insult. Fuck her.
Would she have called Trump “President Hot Wheels”?
No, because that wouldn’t make sense? I do mock Trump for his mental disabilities all of the time. Is that also ableist?
He earned it when he pulled the ladder up behind him. Fuck Greg Abbott
impressive that he climbed the ladder in the first place
All of a sudden the black lady slings back and now she has to reel it in and not be ableist?
I don’t know, I see a distinction between mocking someone FOR BEING disabled, and mocking someone WHO IS disabled. This is the latter imo…
Meh, he shouldn’t be such a vile sack of shit then
Wait, that was about Govenor Abbott of Texas? Yeah, that’s just not right. There’s so much other shit you can fling at him that would be better.
He literally called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas in his address to congress. That’s literal racism.
what does Pocahonatas mean? is it a deragetory term for any race?
native Americans
She’s a very small part Native American, which Trump doesn’t believe and makes fun of by calling her by the name of a historical Native American (Pocahontas).
I had no idea she said this until now and was like wtf is is hot wheels? Then read the comments…it’s Abbott!
Jasmine Crockett just gained more respect from me. Fuck “hot wheels”! Hahaha
Just remember that there is literally no reason to attempt to engage with Them on any kind of intellectual level. Only give them mockery and shame, or ignore them.
Remember how the “they’re weird” -thing hit them? They HATE being ridiculed
They only know like 3 emotions, anger, fear, and shame. They also feel them Very strongly. That specific instance was also a case of them hating being called a name they used to use for others in school, where their brains stopped developing.
I’ve racked my brain with this and coming from a family who changed over years from Republican to Democrat, let me suggest some things:
In terms of the high level grifters and psychopaths, yes, undermining the strongman image with things like mockery, humiliation, embarrassment can be very effective not only at getting under the skin of tyrants but making others realize the clowns they are.
Shaming doesn’t work with psychopaths because they don’t feel guilt.
In terms of interacting with average Joe Trump supporters (the grifted), I do think it’s worth planting seeds even if you’ll never witness the seed grow yourself. One such seed is attempting to redirect their anger to the rich stealing their hard earned paycheck. Any chance to spin the conversation to trust fund children who never worked like Musk and Trump hijacking our democracy should be driven into the conversation. They’re the real culprits for the pressures they feel.
They understand they aren’t engaging with you, they are just playing their base. Democrats have to get that they aren’t actually arguing with the Republicans they are setting up talking points for their base.
I dunno why people are upset about this. I see the majority of people complaining about Dems “taking the high road” and avoiding dirty tactics like the Republicans take. “They should take the gloves off and get dirty on the low road”, “fight at their level!” I read.
Then as soon as Crockett does take one glove off and makes one borderline offensive comment the reaction is largely, “ugh, no need to be ableist”.
Guys, what the hell do you think the ‘low road’ is?
It doesn’t start at breaking the law and blocking supreme court noms, it starts at political midslinging, and the dems are getting “wow that’s going too far”. Lol. They will not escalate to a higher level of personal risk such as breaking protocols and laws (as the R’s do) if they’re knocked back at the first rung. They see the public has a preference: protocol above results.
(I’m about to get replies about how mudslinging needs to be carefully crafted to avoid any offensive terms to any group now. Be real. That is not always possible)
Yeah, I’m fine with a black lady basically going "if I’m dei, what does that make you?’
Dems need to remember that if it’s not nazi rhetoric, it’s on the right side. The bar has been lowered to fascism and we still try to hold each other to absolute political correctness.
We don’t have that luxury anymore. Do you believe in equality, the right to vote, the equal applicability of law to even the highest office? Great, you pass. Bonus points if you believe in a strong social safety net.
Yeah, but there was no substance. It was just name calling. I don’t think simple name-calling got the Republicans anywhere either. She could’ve briefly segwayed to making a point about his policies hurting the disabled.
God I wish that was true.
I honestly think a good portion of Trump’s popularity is his name calling.
Now, to be clear, I think that’s something that only works with idiots. Further, I don’t think it’s a tactic Dems can really pull off. But make no mistake, being mean to the right people is what’s popular for the bigot party.
Nah, Sleepy Joe hit because it directly called into question his incompetence. Crooked Hillary worked similarly. His making fun of the journalist with the hand disease or whatever didn’t really hit.
Sleepy Joe hit because it directly called into question his incompetence.
You’re right, I also questioned all of the claims about Biden’s incompetence. GOOD point.
Ha Segway I see what you did, good old CEO hot wheels.
There’s no reason to take the “Low Road.” Dems dont have to get down in the mud, and lie, cheat, and steal to win, they just have to play HARD BALL, and force the Republicans to follow the law, the rules, ethics, and especially the Constitution.
It would have been really helpful ifntheyd started doing this during the Bush administration, and not waited until the MAGA Nazi Criminal Emterprise had alreadybwrecked and stolen nearly everything, but they can start now.
And part of playing Hard Ball is dehumanizing the MAGA Nazis by applying insulting knicknames. Itbwill be more effective against them because they are treasonous criminals, sonthe names really stick.
Some suggestions:
HitlerPig or Agent Krasnov
Couchfucker Vance
Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller
Steve “Unwiped Asshole” Bannon
Lauren Boobert
Empty G
Big Booby Bondi
Goldigging Whore (applies to several, but specifically the Press Secretary)
Nazis (applies to all Republicans)
Pedophiles (applies to all Republicans)
Criminals (applies to all Republicans)
Most important of all:
Traitors (applies to ALL Republicans)
Just like democrats to ratify insults by committee.
Nobody’s ratifying anything. I’m using these names no matter what anyone says. But they are pretty good names (I especially like PeeWee Himmler), so I’m putting them out there and hoping others use them as well.
Besides, I’m not Democrat.
They’re fine insults. So was hot wheels.
No one at comedy roasts takes these oversensitive criticisms of “the virtuous way to insult” seriously. Why is that?
It’s a distraction.
The only one I can’t get onboard with is Leavitt’s. That’s no way to talk about whores, comparing them to her. Have a little decency!
You are naive if you think you won’t get dogpiled by your own side for using even these names. To most of the naive liberals and leftists, the things you’re describing IS the “low road.”
The left doesn’t want to win, they want to be angry. But they’re not as stupid as the right so that anger has to take the form of more complicated rationalizations, which is why you get people on your own side attacking you for making fun of some conservative chud’s penis size or other physical characteristics.
I’m not a Democrat, so I really don’t care what they think. They have nothing but a losing strategy, so I’m doing my part to inflict damage on the MAGA Nazis without them, whether they like it or not.
We have a deeply fundamental problem broadly with society that people want to be outraged and angry, so they will latch onto anything, this is why the left can’t organize and why the most successful political party are the party of orcs and violence and animosity and outrage, even though they have fewer people.
The left isn’t much different honestly, they just choose to turn into raging asshats when someone breaks their unspoken rules and boundaries that make them feel “civil” and feel like the “good smart guys.” The right doesn’t have qualms about being the bad guy because they’re fucking stupid and we’re gingerly tip-toeing around them careful we’re going to hurt someone’s feelings, meanwhile on our side we can’t even form a single broad movement because too many leftists get twisted when someone in their own ranks says a word that could spark the outrage of someone, somewhere, at some point.
I don’t feel like I have a team at all. I want the same things that the left states its arguing for and fighting for, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t fight, it doesn’t accept people, it doesn’t actually want change, it uses the same tactics of shaming and finger-wagging everyone, everywhere for saying naughty things, then wondering why they’re not getting more people or making progress.
edit: your downvoting is as impotent and pointless as the fights the left takes on. If you think an argument against the left’s tactics is an implicit endorsement of the right, congratulations, you belong with the right, you are a reactionary and dumber than shit.
I think it helps to get out of online spaces and interact in person with people. Text is always far easier to misinterpret or to misword, you’re more likely to find allies face to face.
I agree that people need to be more accepting and slower to judge. There are a lot of anti-Trump/MAGA people out there who lack the lexicon to get across that they’re on-side and whom might make a mistake here and there - no need to flay them publically and turn them away.
‘Useless sniveling little cunt’
That’s literally all it’d take.
You don’t have to be ableist to be insulting.
Someone on the left will absolutely, 100% call you out for using the term “cunt” as a pejorative, they will bring up how calling someone useless is ablest, and probably some story about how “sniveling” was used as a slur in 1642 on a small island off Wales.
Why? because we have an innate human response system to respond to dissent from our own “tribe” and as a result, people have learned to get attention by attacking their own tribe. They want to feel heard and feel special and know that if they offer some “counter point” they will seem “intellectually honest” and thus gain standing with their team, and again, we simply don’t know how to tune out criticism from our own people and move forward. It’s why we keep losing.
The right wins because they’re too dimwitted to do this, they are mindless in their group support. They don’t have the language skills to form intellectual opposition or to “call out” each other, they don’t know how. This is all a great example of how nature doesn’t necessarily design for intelligence, and being smart can be a survival disadvantage.
Congratulations on using 3 entire paragraphs to say absolutely nothing useful.
This reads like someone who’s never talked to an actual leftist in real life. Please go touch grass.
About the kind of response I expected from the people who don’t know how to be effective at all. Congratulations for accomplishing even less and making yourself out to be a generic zoomer who can’t think of anything original.
That would be deemed sexist, no?
No I don’t think anyone is going to call a woman a sexist for calling a man a cunt.
Certainly not as much as they’d call her ableist for making fun of his wheelchair.
My position is that no politician deserves respect.
A politian is an elected representative. Their appointment depends on those who put their trust on them.
How politians managed to create a compulsory respect towards them evades me. The position they occupy is not theirs and, for what it counts, makes them the voters and state (as in, every citizen) servants.
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It shouldn’t BE a position that demands respect, it should be viewed as public service. We are their boss, we pay them. (I mean, we used to pay them, before we decided to allow corporations to own politics, now whatever salary they get as a politician is pennies compared to what the lobbyists give them.)
If you look at political leaders and feel the need to use Midjourney to make a picture of them shirtless and muscular and oiled up while killing terrorists, you have a serious mental handicap.
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Respect is earned not entitled.
I see it the other way around. Respect can be lost.
Treating people with respect is my standard setting. I may stop that if they lose my respect.
This is getting into semantics but I try to treat people decently until they lose the right to that through actions. You have to earn respect.
I’m in Al Frankens corner
How dare you?!
IKR? Hot Wheels don’t deserve this slander.
Yes, that would be the icing on the cake if she apologized to the owner of Hot Wheels.
Doesn’t make it right. Sorry.
If Hitler had been wheelchair-bound would it be wrong to insult him using the wheelchair as a point of criticism? Real question not a troll.
Yep. Make fun of people for their actions, not aspects of their anatomy they had no choice in.
We should criticize choices, not traits. This happens frequently when the public becomes upset with a trans person, using is as a reason to intentionally misgender them. Or using slurs to talk about a gay, PoC or religious minority when they do something shitty.
Kaitlin Jenner has tons of wrong opinions but she is a woman who is wrong. So in the same vein, it is wrong to make fun of Hitler hypothetical wheelchair. Jasmine Crockett was out of line for her Hot Wheels comment, true MAGA has regularly said worse for years, but that doesn’t make it somehow not-albeism.
Sleepy Joe is funny though
It is, but it’s not fitting. It’s all apart of the “so harmless they are a pushover yet so dangerous they must be stopped at all costs” spiel. Otherwise known as BS.