Ask them to explain the “joke” then once they finish say I didn’t find the joke funny.
I do this, but then I pick it apart to make it really painful.
“Oh, jokes just normally have a punchline and aren’t just stating something really backwards”
what’s the counter to “whatever you just dont get it 🙄”??
“it’s just not funny.”
What’s there to get? Why can’t you explain it? Feeling uncomfortable?
They can’t ever explain the joke, though.
That’s half the fun. Watching them squirm and try to figure out how to explain the joke without saying the -ism out loud when they realize they’re not in “safe” company.
This one’s my go-to.
As long as 1 singular person finds the joke funny it still counts as a joke.
I have a lot of jokes where my friends don’t find them funny. But there’s always a punch line, some smart wordplay, terrible pun, even if they feel like it’s too forced (smh).
Racists do know that openly saying that “minorities being abused is funny” sounds racist as fuck, so they try to avoid explaining their jokes.
friend says fucked up shit, asks if you agree
“What? No. Shit no! I believe you get your ass kicked for saying shit like that.”
Nah. Don’t wait for them to ask. Tell them they are being an asshat. It’s good for them
Don’t believe that was in this fine piece of cinema. Ass Clown on the other hand…
Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays
Treat them like the printer ¯_(ツ)_/¯
“What the fuck dude, you’re talking like there’s no paper in tray two after I just filled it. Fuck off!”
What the fuck does that mean?!
“Do you hear yourself right now?”
I would never treat people the way I feel towards printers! Hateful, vile things…
Slight lean back
Expression of baffled disgust
Quietly: “The fuck?”
Cuts deep
If you’re especially non-confrontational, then even the first one, or 0 reaction, can do. Just don’t do the polite chuckle. They’ll think it landed.
I have to work really hard not to laugh myself, and instead let it be awkward.
yes. Relish the beautiful silence.
“Bro, not cool.” With a stern look always sets the homies straight.
But what if want to set them gay?
Honestly I haven’t had to say something in almost a decade
You’re hanging out with the right people
It’s all about where you live and what you look like.
I’m a huge white dude in a red state, I’ve been getting hit on by nazis since before I was a teenager because I look like their “ideal”.
Like, when they picture their “master race” it’s what I look like, so they always fucking assume I’ll agree with any side comment they make.
If you’re not in a super blue area, you’re not hearing stuff because something identifies you as “them” and not “us”. But even in blue areas I’ll hear shit.
I’m a white American immigrant in Germany. The shit people say to me about immigrants, which they then walk back with “but not you, you’re one of the good ones,” is infuriating.
My personal go-to is, “They’re a human being, just like you.”
Sadly, they often disagree. The whole basis of bigotry is the idea that I’m human and you’re less than.
“… aren’t.”
Being human doesn’t make you good. Plenty of humans are monsters. They’re not some eldritch evil that simply started existing hating, they chose this.
That makes them worse, of course… but still very very human.
Yeah, humans are fucking awful, by and large. Just look at the entirety of human history.
In drag’s experience, calling someone a human is a tremendously vicious insult if you have cool enough friends.
You don’t need to be cisgender, heterosexual, male or white to call people out on their bigoted beliefs.
Edit: if you are in those categories you’re more likely to be taken more seriously by other cishet white men. I think I understand the point of the original post now.
No, but bigoted, cisgendered, heterosexual white men are probably more likely to listen to other cisgendered heterosexual white men due to their bigotry.
Someone disagreeing within Chad Junior’s very narrow social circle will mean more to him than someone outside of the circle, especially if that person is also unlike Chad Junior in several ways. Unfortunate as it is.
In my experience that is almost never the case. They’ll just call you a liberal soyboy or something and never think on it further.
Definitely. It’s just an amplifier. Imagine a protestor saying “too many cops are violent and need to cool it”, as opposed to a cop saying “too many cops are violent and need to cool it”
Exactly. Also some of us have learned to fear pushing back against cishet men who are being aggressive. As a trans lesbian I’m not going to improve the situation with confrontation, I’ll just get shouted at, called a snowflake, or otherwise dismissed. But when say, my girlfriend’s husband, a very large extremely masculine cishet guy challenges it, it may not always go well, but it’s perceived as peer disapproval as opposed to “triggering the enemy”.
Oh, I got it. Thanks
It’s like you missed the point entirely
These comments, yeesh. I am a cis white dude, and I don’t see how this post is offensive. As I’ve gotten older and more self-confident, I absolutely call people out for their garbage opinions/statements. Being a cis/straight/white dude it happens all the time that somebody says something racist/sexist/homophobic in front of me assuming I’ll be sympathetic. I’ve used all these “scripts” and encourage you all to use them also.
Do you hear yourself right now?
'Cause you’re spot on!
This is the way
Yeah I’m not cis, het, or a dude, but I do this stuff when people assume I’ll join in racism. I’ll challenge that shit and attempt to help lead them to the truth
If I know I’ll have to talk to them again soon I’ll just awkwardly look away, hoping they figure it out themselves but other than that I try to be the exact same.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
“I won’t let you talk to them that way” is a bad one that doesn’t belong on this list. It implies you’re in control of them, which you’re not. It’s essentially a bluff, and if they call it, you need to be able to beat them up.
To add more good phrases to this list, the phrases need to imply that the person still has their own agency (because they do), and that it’s just a dipshit way to use that agency. The other phrases are great.
I told a coworker they were “full of shit” then repeated that when they said “what?”
Pfff. Everytime my father in law goes on a racist diatribe I tell him, “Mustafa is what now?”. He is my Egyptian brother in law and the kindest and hospitable person I know.
I also very dislike my father in law, used to be a somewhat good guy, then he got old and racist.
Chronic lead poisoning at an early age is a hell of a drug.
My go-to is “Why do you think that is an okay thing to say?”
That why calling out people for being weird worked
“What the fuck” with a disgusted look is my go to.