- The House passed a more than $60 billion bill that provides more military aid to Ukraine.
- It’s part of a larger foreign aid package that’s likely to pass the Senate and be signed into law.
- 112 Republicans voted it against — the most ever, and a majority of the GOP conference.
Saturday’s vote marked the first time the House had approved billions of dollars in Ukraine aid since December 2022, when Democrats still controlled the chamber.
In the two years since Russia’s invasion, opposition to aiding Ukraine has grown from a fringe position to a majority view among House GOP lawmakers. Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence.
Here are the 112 House Republicans who voted against the bill.
For those who don’t know, The New York Post was the first American media outlet that Rupert Murdoch brought back in the day. It tries to play off being ‘center Right’ as opposed to Fox News. Following the spin on the spin can break your neck.
When a Republican loses Rupert Murdock, things probably aren’t going the way you planned.
It’s a New York paper, so they can hate on MGT. They don’t have to be consistent with the message from one branch tp the other.
I remember back in 2008. The Post had two op-ed pieces on the same page. One writer said that Obama was just another neoliberal hack who’d push a softer version of GOP plans and the voters should just opt for McCain. The other said that Obama was a hard Left radical who would about an extremist agenda.
The Post had two op-ed pieces on the same page. One writer said that Obama was just another neoliberal hack who’d push a softer version of GOP plans and the voters should just opt for McCain. The other said that Obama was a hard Left radical who would about an extremist agenda.
It’s choose your own hatred adventure!
I still like Moscow Marge more… But hey.
Marjory Traitor Green.Perjury Traitor Scheme
The actual story if anyone wants to read that rag.
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Blatantly copying my previous comment.
Hey, Republicans, do y’all remember Red Dawn? Those two movies you made about The USSR and Russia being the ultimate evil enemy that was going to invade and must be stopped? You do? Good.
My real question is, why in the name of all that is Murican, ARE YOU ACTIVELY HELPING RUSSIA WITH THEIR ILLEGAL AND UNPROVOKED INVASION‽‽‽
Because the Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, which the GOP hated (the communist part of it, anyway), and modern Russia is kleptocratic oligarchy, which the GOP loves. Easy enough to tease out, really.
Even simpler:
Communist = lefties
Oligarchs & dictators = rich CEOs running the country.
Guess which ones the republicans have been supporting for decades.
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The GOP decision-makers see the Russian oligarchy and how freely they leech their wealth from the public and say “I want that.”
The MAGA followers see modern Russian society as a bastion of “western” (white) moral traditionalism holding out against progressive globalist degeneracy where none of this “woke” shit flies.
They have more in common with modern Russia than they do with modern America. They want the US to be more like Russia and many will be willing to spill American blood to get there.
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Republicans are the kind of people who think Footloose is a warning against the dangers of freedom.
Yes, they are clearly bought and paid for.
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The fact that the only Nays were Republicans speaks volumes. The Republican party has been compromised by Russia, it’s the only explanation that makes sense.
And, to clarify for future readers, this vote was only for the Ukraine Aid portion of the package. Each part got a separate vote. So even though the package includes Israeli funding, it wasn’t part of this particular vote which was exclusively about aid to Ukraine.
well you got the names, now how about doing a little background check if there is some russki money lying somewhere in those traitors bank accounts…
I’m doing background research and found a picture of biden laughing with medvedev and berlusconi. I guess it’s not just these 112 idiots who have ties with the mafia and russia but all of them are corrupted pigs in for the money and wealth
If Biden is also taking bribe money from Russia, as you suggest, then we should expect him to veto this bill, right?
Neoliberals are conservatives, but they usually are not outright traitors the way Republican conservatives are.
If Biden is also taking bribe money from Russia, as you suggest, then we should expect him to veto this bill, right?
No? While peasants get send to the front to die politicians are collecting wealth and power thanks to this war.
You should expect politicians to do what’s in their personal greedy interest, being taking money from someone or stabbing them in the back.
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Never made a post pro authoritarian corrupted governments. You must have open someone else profile
Some of the politicians realizes that an intact infrastructure and Europe not burdoned by war is a good thing and helps economic trade, etc. Some are old school politicians focused on diplomacy and mutually beneficial agreements (as confirmed being the most efficient strategy by game theory).
And then there’s the morons who only think about short term personal benefits
Biden already said he’d veto an aid bill that included Israel without Ukraine. The republicans tried anyway, by drafting legislation last week.
So now you have a list of politicians that can either be bought by Russian money, or are dumb enough to fall for Russian propaganda.
Neither of which should be elected to lead a country.
Agreed. We’ve also obtained a Russian foreign policy document that explicitly states the support of the right-ring party in leveraging the direction of the US in favor of Russian support.
The communication if you wish to translate for yourself:
I mean, they do represent a portion of their constituents.
off topic but I think you missed a real opportunity by not making your username “Honytalk”
The (R) is for Russian Asset.
Must have been a dilemma though, voting for Ukraine to fall or voting for dead Muslims.
Common misconception but no, actually, each portion got a separate vote. 112 legislators voted against aid to Ukraine, 58 voted against aid to Israel.
Oh that is a surprise. They usually bundle the shit out of these things.
The senate has to vote on it as a bundle or send it back to the house if I’m not mistaken, but the house got to vote on individual things. I hope I’m wrong, Ukraine needs us but also Fuck Israel.
In this instance they had to unbundle them because of the overlapping opposition to the different elements. Combined all of that opposition was enough to sink the whole thing, separated no one issue had enough opposition to fail.
Republicans then: Yay McCarthyism!
Republicans now: Daddy Putin, please step on my face uwu!
Its the same picture. McCarthyism was far more about whipping domestic residents into subservience than opposing some foreign menace. The Republican alignment with Daddy Vlady is now just a litmus test for party line faithfulness. A kind of partisan hazing ritual, where you have to go on cable news and say the thing that will get liberals to boo at you, so you can prove you’re not one of them.
Then you can start hitting the harder stuff. You get into the QAnon kool-aid that convinces you there’s a vast pedophile conspiracy to enslave white children, and only the most orthodox right-wing evangelicals can protect you from it.
Modern day Birchers have far more beef with China than Russia anyway. For, uh… reasons.
nyaaaaaaah putin >w< i wanna be one of your chiwd sowlders twerks in mass war crime
- leaked imessage between matt gaetz and putin, probably
It was never about the Russians, it was always about protecting the rich
Send them to the front line to fight for their motherland.
If you care as much about Ukraine as you claim to why don’t you go to the front lines and fight for them… Better yet, why aren’t you advocating the United States to go directly to war with Russia? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to get rid of Putin once and for all and to make Russia pay for the war?
Ukraine isn’t asking anyone to go to the front and fight for them. They’re asking for this aid. Anyone who cares about Ukraine as much as they claim will listen to what Ukraine asks for.
Halp me. They are attacking me send money, not reinforcements.
Geez, you have to be either blind or dumb to not see what this is. Proxy war is war. This is about money at this point, and what better way to funnel money than through aid packages.
Are you suggesting these Ukrainians on the front line begging for ammo are getting rich off of this somehow?
Halp me. They are attacking me send money, not reinforcements.
You think they are going to send a bag of money to Ukraine? Are you really that dumb? The approved amount is for weapons and ammo.
They can send money to their weapon manufacturers even without this war, you know?
You dumb fuck. They’re sending that money in the form of weapons, ammo, fuel, tools, and equipment. Zelenskyy even said “I don’t need a ride, I need more bullets.”
- why don’t I go fight? Because I’m not a fucking soldier. It would be a net negative for me to go fight. I have no military experience whatsoever. Ignoring the myriad other reasons.
- No, it’s far less expensive to send equipment and give intel to Ukraine. Why the fuck do you think proxy war is a thing?
Of course, you’re just shit-talking.
Getting rid of Putin, and for that matter Xi, will likely not do a thing to stop the war on the Russian side, and the clear plans for invasion in the Chinese side.
Hard evidence that neither country has functioning nukes would, but getting rid of either one just creates a power vaccume that will quickly be filled by someone that is likely to look much like their predecessor.
So what you’re saying is that there is no winning the war against Russia… Just sending more money to Ukraine indefinitely?
No, I’m saying we have entered a new Cold War against both China and Russia that is likely to last for the next several decades. We can’t win a war. There are no winners in war. All we can do is provide enough resistance now to prevent the cold war we are in from boiling into active shooting in other theaters.
The reason it hasn’t boiled into active war between countries is because we aren’t sending American troops to Ukraine to fight the war.
This thread is great because pro-Russian morons are exposing themselves so it makes it real easy to block them.
makes it real easy to block them.
FYI, when you block someone on Lemmy, they can still see your posts, and can respond to them.
The only thing that truly happens is that you can’t see what they’re saying/replying.
That’s good enough for me. I don’t need to read the bullshit stuff they say anyway. like, “it doesn’t make one “pro russia” if you don’t think sending BILLIONS of dollars to a foreign country is a great idea.” … what a tool
Fair enough, but they could be undermining your comments and you wouldn’t know it. Just saying.
That’s fine. They likely have more free time than I do to argue about nothing and for those that see their bullshit, they’ll just vote it down.
and for those that see their bullshit, they’ll just vote it down.
Thats one way of looking at it. 🤷😇
There’s a difference between pro Russian and not supporting giving tax dollars away to another country. Not everybody is pro Russian who wants to keep our tax dollars at home.
Not in this context. Blocked
it doesn’t make one “pro russia” if you don’t think sending BILLIONS of dollars to a foreign country is a great idea.
It sure does. Blocked.
ooo “blocked”.
you sure showed them
Self righteous leftist on full display
Send them to russia I’m sure they’ll put them on the front line… traitors
So you’re fighting on the front lines in Ukraine? Why not advocate that the US go to war with Russia directly? You just want to prolong things out for a few months, and then a few more months… Aid package after aid package tied to Israel genocide and all kinds of concessions for Republicans, while pretending that it was always about trying to “help” Ukraine
Barfing out the same dumb hot-take more than once doesn’t make it any less dumb.
He has to post. It’s his job. Easier to just post the same shit than to try to come up with something original.
Israel aid and Ukraine aid were two separate votes
GOP had previously tried to pass aid to Israel while simultaneously blocking Ukraine aid.
Ah, I think I misread something, got it
Our grandfathers 'prolonged thingss for 'dolfie for five years, after which he blew his brains out. So yeah
I’m honestly surprised that 101 Republicans voted yes.
They’re not all dumb enough to get rich Russian style. Some of them remember that Russian oligarchs often fall out of windows.
Probably need a firmware flash, the blyats will get to it.
112 Government of Putin representatives and fully funded by the fucking Muscovites. Every single one of those asswipes, along with the MAGATs, should join their comrades on the front to receive a special greeting from NATO and Ukrainian shrapnel. Fuck them and in this case, the French should have never helped the Americans during their fight against the Red Coats.
I know this isn’t why they voted against it, but the mass surveillance / censorship bill tacked onto this that’s vainly disguised as a TikTok ban is pretty scary.
Fuck the GOP.
Each measure in the package got it’s own vote. They voted against Ukraine Aid for no other reason than that it gave aid to Ukraine.
Did they? Huh.
And now people are singing Speaker Johnson’s praises?
Amazing stuff.
It’s fine to praise people for doing the right thing and also criticise them for doing the wrong thing.
He did the thing that liberals wanted him to do, so he’s a hero.
When he does a thing liberals don’t like, he’ll be the enemy again.
If you don’t like how a politician is perceived in western media, just wait a minute. Everyone from Ralph Nader to Strom Thurmond can be villainized or redeemed over a long enough timeline.
I hear Nixon liked dogs.
He definitely liked kickbacks.
Let’s go Trump redemption 2024! Woohoo!
This, but unironically what the NYT has been pushing since he eclipsed Biden in the polls.