I assume the story itself will be updated as they go through those thousands of pages
See the documents below
The courts have at least 1,889 pages of evidence of election interference, and yet they will still leave him on the ballots for the highest office in the country.
This right here is the very definition of lip service when it comes to justice. It’s time for America to nut up or shut up. Either way, I’m damned tired of this bullshit.
As much as I hate it, it would be much worse if you could just accuse someone of a crime to keep them off the ballot. Someone like Trump would abuse it to accuse his opponents of crimes to have them removed. It needs to go through the court first. The issue is that’s taken far too long, and the time it takes has been increased by certain people with a bias.
I agree that the problem is not with him being on the ballot, the problem is that it seems an enormous portion of the population of the USA are willing to vote for him.
Yup, can’t get rid of someone like Trump if enough of the population is either willing or eager to go along with him.
The issue is that’s taken far too long, and the time it takes has been increased by certain people with a bias.
That was the basis of my second paragraph. This should’ve been priority #1 from the get go. And the fact that people with obvious bias has been able to derail the process is another problem that needs to be dealt with as well.
And the fact that people with obvious bias has been able to derail the process is another problem that needs to be dealt with as well.
Heads need to roll for any real change ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t disagree.
We need to criminalize government employees intentionally delaying or entirely ignoring doing their jobs
Start with SCOTUS
Due process exists for both the innocent and the worst out there. You want that to be there to protect you and everyone else.
The Toupee is already a convicted felon. Due process would not permit him to leave the state where he was convicted, let alone run for office.
I don’t deny that there is preferential behavior going on but people are also commonly out while awaiting sentencing with or without travel restrictions. Due process means he gets a fair trial and a fair sentence. So far that is happening.
Except that the sentencing keeps getting postponed.
He went through due process and was adjudicated unfit by the Supreme Court of Colorado to be on the ballot in Colorado because insurrectionists are bannned. The Supreme Court of the Republican Party Bigfooted it and said he had to be on the ballot anyway
These are different situations. And even though the SCOTUS is filled with idiots, due process did occur there.
Calling them idiots is giving them a pass. They know exactly what they’re doing, they’re just evil.
So we agree
Real question here is will this be enough to move the news cycle.
I don’t think his voters care.
cant reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into
thanks for the correction
I think you mean “can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into”.
But yes.
yes thank you
I think there’s a chance swaying a little more people than we might think - even if it’s a small percentage overall that can be swayed
Look for instances at the audience reactions to his lies about January 6th at his Univision Townhall. They show visable disgust
Even if it’s not enough to make them vote the opposite way, it might be enough to make them not show up to vote against harris. Turnout changes in single digit percentages matters a lot
I mean thats just not what the data we have is saying.
Note that polling doesn’t capture turnout data rather well. It has to make assumptions about turnout for weighting
The closets metric polls have to try to guesstimate turnout is enthusiasm, which is down ~15% for trump compared to 2020. In 2020, there was a enthusiasm gap in Trump’s favor. This year that’s flipped
Or if we look at say a subgroup like Niki Haley primary voters (~5-10% of republicans), there’s a marked drop in their support for Trump this year compared to 2020
The majority of them, 59%, said they voted for Trump in 2020. But now, only 45% plan to cast their ballots for him again in 2024, marking a 14-point difference.
Overall, this will probably look like small movments if it materializes, but in elections won on close margins this absolutely matters
I agree thats prob the best proxy. I don’t know that we’ll get any exit polling data from GA or NC yet, but the turnout numbers hopefully look good good for Harris. She needs wide margins to keep this out of the SC.
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I’d imagine there’s still quite a lot of undecided voters out there. This might move them.
Who’s the type of person that’s still undecided but would be swayed by some new relevation on Trump? At this stage you either don’t know anything because you don’t follow the news, you already know he’s a criminal and a piece of shit, or you just think the media is making stuff up because “they’re out to get him”.
There’s no piece of news that could possibly change things at this stage, besides him dying or something.
I’d like to agree with this. But the fact is- we live in a reality in which not only a 34x convicted criminal/rapist is allowed to run for president, but has an actual chance to win.
If this can happen, then so too can there be undecided voters.
You make a frighteningly good point.
This may not sway them to vote Kamala, but it absolutely may sway them to abstain from voting.
I mean, think about all of those Michiganders who are staying out this year due to Gaza.
Negative press absolutely can sway voters, even this late in the game.
Yeah, agreed. The whole Democrat talking point about Trump being worse is just so played out. If you personally care about the issue and if both choices to vote for are pro genocide, it’s definitely valid to stay home or vote third party. It’s the only leverage they have.
Keep in mind it also gives people canvasing to lower-information voters something to mention
As an example, I was talking to someone undecided a bit ago who didn’t follow news super closely and said education was their top issue. They looked completely taken a back when I mentioned how Trump has said he wants shut down the department of education (both from him directly and it’s Project 2025)
The average American is dumber than a sack of rotting racoon flesh. Im not even talking about your average Redneck cause at least our collective cultural madness makes us smart on somethings, no Im talking about your average middle management type who have no redeeming qualities. They are annoyingly too stupid to even grasp the concept of local government let alone who the bad guy is and think Trump is just some harmless boring politician.
I think the allure was, and maybe still is, that Trump was not a normal or boring candidate. His invective dispositions guaranteed controversy and mayhem, with damage to “the system” guaranteed.
People that stupid must exist, because the Democrats seem to prefer those hypothetical voters over voters who would like a little less capitalism and genocide please.
I want my genocides with a side of handwringing, please
There’s no piece of news that could possibly change things at this stage, besides him dying or something.
Here’s hoping. There is one minor cohort of voters out there still to get; Democratic/ Democratic leaning voters who can’t bear to vote for genocide. All other matters are settled. The idea of “swing” voters is this weird political mythology that just doesn’t manifest in modern (post 2000) elections. You don’t win an election post 2000 chasing after the center, you win it by driving out your side. Trump understands that and he’s done probably the best job he could have to do so. If you are a Trump supporter or lean Trump; you are voting Trump this election cycle and you are voting. If you are a Democrat or Democrat leaning, you are almost assuredly voting Kamala, but at least some small fraction of Democratic aligned voters are still holding back over the Israel/ Gaza issue. That small fraction, maybe 2-5% of totals voters, are the last remainder to be “got”. They won’t be “got” by Trump, but may can be left on the table by Harris.
Yeah anyone with a brain knows that it would be worse under a republican.
People decrying genocide aren’t being honest. They know who the real warmongers are.
People decrying genocide aren’t being honest. They know who the real warmongers are.
I’m sure calling people who oppose genocide dishonest is gathering heaps of voters for Kamala.
Dumping money into poor regions and the USA playing a proxy war with Russia is a game they both love to play. I don’t understand how you think it’s an election issue when this is what the US has been doing for forever.
You can’t fix this with one vote.
At this point, if a voter is conflicted between a prosecutor who has spent the majority of her life putting criminals away and a racist who has several felony convictions and several more pending, they are effectively Trump voters.
It’s really that simple. Anyone else who tells you that they are undecided is because they are racist or they are okay with fascism.
My response to a similar rebuttal:
I’d like to agree with this. But the fact is- we live in a reality in which not only a 34x convicted criminal/rapist is allowed to run for president, but has an actual chance to win. If this can happen, then so too can there be undecided voters.
There will always be a grey area.
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Correct, when “facts” come from TD they matter; otherwise your”facts” are safe to ignore
Trump voters won’t care. But some republicans that lean centrist do exist, maybe it’ll finally convince them to have some decency.
Can someone make a supercut of all the far-right dumbasses saying we cannot have a president who is under investigation? Might have to go back to 2016 to get clips, I don’t think they say that any longer.
Hell, go back to the nineties when they were ready to hang Bill Clinton for having sex.
Bill Clinton was not impeached for having sex. He was impeached for committing perjury while testifying as the defendant in a sexual harassment inquiry. The blowjob is just the thing he was lying about when he perjured himself. If he’d been convicted maybe it would be easier to hold presidents accountable today.
Further, Bill Clinton was the President while Monica Lewinsky was an intern. There was a major power imbalance between then two.
The comment you’re replying to said nothing about impeachment.
Learn to read.
Be nice
also include a heavily redacted transcript from a January 6 Committee interview of Rusty Bowers, in which the then-Arizona House Speaker described hanging up on Trump after turning down his request to ignore the state’s Biden electors and install electors for Trump instead.
“That’s exactly what I did,” Bowers told committee member Adam Schiff during the June 19, 2022 interview. “I disconnected us. I hung up on him.”
Bucket list item: hang up the phone on Trump. But not angrily. I just want him to hear that dial tone… oh that doesn’t exist anymore
How is this not treason?
Being handed the opportunity to appoint three Supreme Court judges prior to committing the act, takes it from treason to ‘sparkling presidential acts’…
Nope. That ruling doesn’t apply here because he was acting as a candidate for the Presidency at the time.
A President cannot act on behalf of their campaign in an official capacity.
Or just declare it an official act prior …
That’s what Jack Smith argued, let’s see if it holds up in court if Donnie gets elected again
But I’m sure he can act on behalf of the country to “safe-guard” blah, blah, blah…
He can investigate crimes as President, but he cannot attempt to circumvent the counting of the vote.
Certifying the vote is the duty of the legislative branch (Pence was acting as President of the Senate - a legislative role), and if it needs to be stopped due to legal reasons that’s the jurisdiction of the judicial branch.
Separation of Powers requires that the President cannot officially act in that situation.
Furthermore, he didn’t investigate any allegations that people had voted for Trump illegally.
But the biggest smoking gun on whether it was the President or Candidate Donald Trump is that Trump specifically excluded the official White House counsel from his meetings but did include his personal and campaign lawyers. That says that not only was he acting outside his official duties, but that he knew he was acting as a candidate.
I’m not saying you are wrong; I’m saying that excuses sometimes, especially with politicians, Republicans, Trump, is enough. The dog ate my home-work. Vote. Vote all you can and get non-indoctrinated people to vote. Vote like our lives depend on it. Vote like it is you last chance to vote. Vote no matter what you think of the candidates but on which one is completely absurd and which one is not. Vote for your children and the rest of the world. Vote for not scams and lies. Vote and get people to vote.
It is. Shh don’t tell anybody.
I have a flip phone and one of the things I love about it is closing it to hang up. That satisfaction I think makes up for knowing there’s no dial tone.
It’s like the old Mitch Hedberg joke of having an argument in a tent. You can’t leave and slam the flap so you zip it up real quick?
Comedy genius. Rip.mitch
Ah, I miss flip phones. If I wasn’t totally hooked on my little screen box I would go back.
Yeah, I was an early adoptor, had a phone with a flip down bit and an aerial to pull up. I thought it was cool as fuck but in retrospect it was probably big enough to fight off a bear with.
I feel like the flip phone should be an accessory to the screen box. It’s a superior device to chatting and hanging up, just make it Bluetooth and snap into the back of the phone.
If we ever see AR or implants overtake touch screens (unlikely imo because typing in AR fucking sucks) then I hope flips come back just for the talking part.
I had a little silver one, apparently marketed to the ladies as it had a little mirror. But flip phones were completely Star Trek TOS - Scotty, one to beam up.
Thanks for providing a direct link to the documents, OP. Much appreciated :)
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You’re not wrong.
A lot of them seem to be super dodgy too legally
Every accusation yadda yadda. It’s all so tired at this point.
That Judge’s niece is friends with someone who Donated to Biden so OBVIOUSLY we need to INVESTIGATE the JUDGE for Corruption!
-Republicans who LOVE Eileen Cannon and the Supreme Court!
Honestly, there’s a much higher chance of some Trumper trying to kill the judge than anything.
Nah they’re all shooting at trump these days
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We can make it matter. Vote, get active, get involved.
Register to vote if you haven’t. Deadlines are within days and passing in some states
Find opportunities to volunteer for dems around you and online
Write letters to voters in competitive downballot races (or swing states too)
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Vote Early, Vote Often
Once per election. National, State and local.
“Trump judge” makes it sound like Aileen Cannon.
Everything she does will be timed to coincide with the heat death of the universe.
This is all part of the democratic agenda to influence elections with fact instead of the feelings the founders intended elections to be about.
Just lock him up. The man has been on pounds of cocaine. If he had a tiny bit of weed, he would have been in prison already.
One-thousand eight hundred eighty nine pages. One-thousand eight hundred eighty nine (I’m not going to parody the rest of the song this is a lot)
…how do you measure a year in Trump’s life?
In golf games? In rubles? In lawsuits? In twitter postings?
In rallies, incitement… in terror, in strife?
La vie Boheme!
If this is the case, how in the fuck is the Orange Turd still on the ballot? The bastard will repeat the BS, but with more violence.
He won’t be doing the same again, right?
Well if he does, we can all take comfort our justice system will prosecute him at their nearest convenience.
not that it matters much after all thats come out and did nothing.