Transition: 2001-2004. Fully stealth since 2002 (had sex reassignment surgery & changed all of my documents). My last transition procedure was voice feminization surgery.

  • yabbadabbadoo@lemmy.worldOP
    3 months ago

    Well, for me stealth doesn’t mean hidden or undercover. The whole purpose of transitioning for me was to assimilate into the general population, from the very first moment. That was my goal. That’s what stealth means to me. For me being “trans” wasn’t a permanent state of being, but a temporary one I had to go through, and a problem that needed to be fixed, in order to live life the way it feels right to me. A medical issue to which transitioning was the treatment. I sacrificed a lot, when I started my transition I cut off everyone but my parents and siblings & moved to another city for a completely new start where no one knew me. I’m doing great now, have an amazing husband and 2 kids, and great friends. Living the life I’ve always wanted. I don’t feel any connection to the old me anymore. I’ve already lived longer as “this” than “that” by now. Even my birth certificate has been saying F longer than M.

      3 months ago

      Thanks for the answer! Stealth indeed includes/means total integration into something, you’re right. And I’m happy that your transition has this great effect for you!

      Another question: Does your husband know? And if so, how did you and he “handle” this information? (Sorry if my wording may sound weird sometimes as English isn’t my mother tongue).

      • yabbadabbadoo@lemmy.worldOP
        3 months ago

        He does. I told him out of respect, and because I believe a marriage should be based on trust and honesty. Though I don’t believe he was “owed” that info, I could’ve just told him I’m a woman who happens to be infertile, my birth certificate, ID, etc. confirm it, so it’s technically the truth. Either way, his reaction was just well, you have a vagina, you have boobs, your paperwork’s in order… if it looks like a duck, quaks like one, walks like one - it’s a duck. So he really didn’t care.

      3 months ago

      That seems like a hard thing to do, cutting almost all ties. Im happy it worked out for you and you found the life you were longing for. But does the stealth include your husband? I guess not? So (since he’s your husband now) I assume it didn’t matter to him? How did he react initially?

      • yabbadabbadoo@lemmy.worldOP
        3 months ago

        It doesn’t. I told him out of respect, and because I believe a marriage should be based on trust and honesty. Though I don’t believe he was “owed” that info, I could’ve just told him I’m a woman who happens to be infertile, my birth certificate, ID, etc. confirm it, so it’s technically the truth. Either way, his reaction was just well, you have a vagina, you have boobs, your paperwork’s in order… if it looks like a duck, quaks like one, walks like one - it’s a duck. So he really didn’t care.